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to paying postage for all tax bills and Management & Budget Director Jason E. Brown specified <br />we pay $300,000 for 911 telephone lines. <br />Mr. Weise’s <br />In response to suggestion to create a citizens board to work with staff <br />to try to save nickels and dimes, Chairman Lowther suggested he see Commissioner Wheeler <br />regarding such a committee. <br />Bob Johnson <br /> inquired if staff thought next year’s budget will be at rollback. County <br />Administrator Baird explained why he thought we would not see that for the next several years <br />mainly because growth does not pay for itself. He pointed out that Indian River County has the <br />third lowest general fund millage in the state of Florida. <br />Director Brown corrected County Administrator Baird that we are the second <br />lowest. <br />Martha Willoughby <br />, 500 Riomar Drive, President of the Master Gardeners, urged <br />the Board to add a horticultural agent and specified that her group had already presented the <br />County with a “white paper” giving the particulars of funding and showing that such a position <br />would cost the County only $15,000. She believed the cost to be more than justified as compared <br />to the volunteer hours the Master Gardeners provide in service to the county residents. <br />County Administrator Baird and Director Brown responded to Commissioner <br />Neuberger’s inquiry if we had $15,000 to fund the position. They pointed out that the $15,000 <br />does not include benefits and there had not been a request for this position from the department. <br />Mrs. Willoughby specified the volunteers were making the request, and County <br />Administrator Baird noted that the Ag Department followed his request to not increase the <br />department. He added that it was a hard decision but he felt we could not afford to do it this year. <br />Commissioner Davis commented he got more citizen input on this issue than <br />anything except the EMS department. He understood the need and noted that it does not seem like <br />much but he would like to hold off and look at adding the position next year. <br />Charlene Jarvis <br /> questioned why Mr. Coffey does not spend the time with Sheriff <br />Raymond to find the answers to his questions. She supported the Sheriff’s Department because <br />she felt Indian River County is a safe place to live. In response to her question as to the high <br />SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 4 <br /> <br />