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Commissioner Wheeler wondered whether the County would ever collect anything on the <br />lien, and Attorney Collins believed the odds would be good if the property would sell for more <br />than the First Note. <br />12.B. EMERGENCY SERVICES - NONE <br />12. C GENERAL SERVICES <br />12.C.1. SIX MONTH REVIEW, INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CODE, SECTION 105.041, <br />LOCAL PREFERENCE IN PURCHASING OR CONTRACTING <br />General Services Director Tom Frame and Purchasing Manager Jerry Davis provided the <br />Board with the results of the local preference policy in purchasing or contracting for the last six <br />months. He reported that 17 bids had been awarded with the local preference clause, and that <br />nine were awarded to local businesses that were the low bidders. He did not feel there were <br />impacts associated with the language on any of the seventeen bids, and he did not anticipate any <br />over the next six months. <br />Discussion ensued regarding bid documents meeting the "... equal to or within five <br />percent (5%) of the price submitted by the Apparent Low Bidder" criteria, and the efforts/costs <br />involved with staff's monitoring and preparation under this policy. <br />NO BOARD ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN <br />12.D. HUMAN RESOURCES - NONE <br />12.E. HUMAN SERVICES - NONE <br />12.F. LEISURE SERVICES - NONE <br />28 <br />February 2, 2010 <br />