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Mr. Smith acknowledged P&Z's recommendation to limit the interconnections to non- <br />vehicular traffic, but believed the County should consider having an allowance for the vehicular <br />interconnection in the future. <br />P&Z member -at -large George Hamner explained that most of the P&Z Members wanted <br />to see the vehicular interconnection, but could not figure out how to make it work well. <br />P&Z member -at -large David Cox recalled that P&Z member Sam Zimmerman had not <br />wanted to see traffic routed through residential neighborhoods. <br />Peter Seed, 180 Island Sanctuary, acknowledged the need for all three types of <br />interconnectivity — vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian. <br />Mr. Paladin felt that any new development should provide interconnectivity for traffic, <br />except when a new development is constructed next to an older established development. <br />Vice Chairman Solari supported the three types of interconnectivity, and suggested <br />putting an allowance in the policy for having vehicular interconnectivity where practical. <br />Following further discussion regarding interconnectivity, Vice Chairman Solari <br />suggested re-examining this issue when the full P&Z Commission can be present. <br />SANITAR Y SEWER SUB -ELEMENT - CHAPTER 3A <br />(Clerk's Note: This item was heard commencing at 9:15 a.m., following <br />Intergovernmental Coordination Element — Chapter 11, and is placed here for continuity). <br />Director Keating conveyed that there is a new policy requiring new subdivisions to <br />connect to a reuse water line, should one be in close proximity. <br />11 <br />April 19, 2010 <br />