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OBJECTIVE 6 Upland Vegetation Communities <br />Using 2008 conservation land acreage as a baseline, Indian River County shall, by 2020, <br />preserve a minimum of 5,000 additional acres of upland native plant communities to <br />sustain viable populations of native plant and animal species and protect representative <br />stands of each habitat type in Indian River County. The additional acreage shall be <br />preserved through the establishment of conservation easements and/or fee simple <br />acquisition. <br />Staff confirmed for Chairman O'Bryan that there would be no penalty if the County did <br />not preserve the minimum of 5,000 acres. <br />The Chairman invited public comments. <br />Mr. Beuttell remarked that the County has already spent a lot of bond money acquiring <br />upland conservation lands. <br />Mr. Bruce believed that this was an objective which would not happen until Florida <br />Forever gets funded, unless the County floats another bond for funding. <br />Commissioner Davis expressed opposition to the stated revision to Objective 6. <br />Staff addressed Commissioner Flescher's question regarding past acquisitions of <br />conservation lands. <br />Mr. Hamner suggested leaving Objective 6, in place, but reducing the requirement from <br />the 5,000 acres of upland community. <br />Director Keating recommended that the amount of upland acreage included in the <br />Objective be reduced to 500 acres, as staff had originally proposed. <br />25 <br />April 19, 2010 <br />