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b. <br />residential deS elepmenunits, including residential units behind or over <br />businesses. <br />2. 2. Shopping areas; these are areas that provide for the sale of goods and <br />services to accommodate the residents of the projectnew town.- Allowed uses are <br />retail commercial and personal services. <br />3. 3. Work areas; these are areas that provide work --employment opportunities <br />for the residents of the prejeetnew town. —Allowed uses are office, uses <br />educational, and light industrial, resource management and tourism, and <br />agricultural uses and related industries. <br />4. 1. Public facilities and institutional uses;, these are areas which provide for <br />residents of the projectincluding schools, fire/police stations, cultural and <br />community facilities, and places of worship. <br />5. Recreational uses; these are areas which provide for active and passive <br />recreational facilities as needed by the residents of the project. <br />6. Natural open spaces and agricultural areas; these are areas which will be <br />preserved due to their environmental importance or will be used for active <br />agricultural production. <br />• - - : Activity or town centers shall <br />mixed use centers containing both nonresidential and residential uses, while residential <br />uses not located within town centers shall be in compact neighborhoods. <br />c. The gross residential density of thea project new town may exceed the underlying <br />agricultural maximum densities; however, the project -new town density shall not exceed <br />ene-1.5 units/ per acre of gross project area unless development rights are transferred to <br />new towns from off-site properties. In such cases, the overall gross density of the new <br />town shall not exceed 2 units per acre. Consistent with that allowance, new towns may be <br />receiver sites for development rights sent from conservation or agricultural preservation <br />areas that are located outside the urban service area and are not adjacent to the project. <br />Sending areas shall be stripped of development rights as part of the new town approval. <br />Density credits eligible for transfer shall not exceed 1 unit per acre for AG -1 sending <br />areas, 1 unit per 2 acres for AG -2 sending areas, and 1 unit per 4 acres for AG -3 sending <br />areas. Additional density allowances up to 1 unit per 2 acres may be allowed for <br />environmentally significant portions of AG -3 sending areas. <br />d. Uses within a new town PD shall be identified in the mixed usenew town PD project <br />application_. The land use mix sh :. to and analysis submitted by the <br />ill capture one hundred (100) percent <br />Future Land Use Element 146 <br />