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Last modified
4/25/2018 11:26:41 AM
Creation date
10/1/2015 6:25:30 PM
Meeting Type
Joint Workshop - EAR (Exhibits R-U)
Document Type
Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Board of County Commissioners
Archived Roll/Disk#
4038, 4039
Book and Page
139, 165-207
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(a) At least seventy (70) percent of the minimum required common open <br />space area shall be located along main project boundaries and shall <br />function as perimeter greenbelts or shall be in the form of a large <br />contiguous block of land. If a proposed new town shares a boundary with <br />land identified as conservation either through easement or by <br />comprehensive land use designation, then the required greenbelt <br />perimeter/open space block shall have a contiguous boundary with the <br />conservation area. If a new town shares a boundary with multiple existing <br />conservation areas, the project design shall provide greenway connections <br />between conservation areas. <br />(b) For purposes of the fifty(50) percent common open space requirement <br />such green space shall not include conventional, individual private yard <br />areas and shall not include any areas already in conservation. Common <br />open space areas may include agricultural areas (e.g. crop lands, pastures, <br />and equestrian areas), parks and recreation areas, conservation and natural <br />areas (e.g. uplands, wetlands, and re-created natural areas), and water <br />bodies (not to exceed thirty percent of the open space requirement). <br />(c) 3--D Active recreational uses shall be limited to less thana maximum <br />of twenty ft -ye -four (2524) percent of the designated open space_, but shall <br />not exceedor twelve (12) percent of the entire PD area, whichever is less. <br />43. Timing of Land Uses: At the time of new town approval, commitments must be <br />made as to the timing of developing work places and non-residential uses. A <br />sufficient amount of job -producing and non-residential uses shall be developed in <br />initial project phases to prevent creation of a de -facto residential only or bedroom <br />community and to ensure development of a job -producing "anchor tenant" to <br />sustain the new town's economy. To ensure that all phases of the project develop <br />as a viable new town development with a mixture of residential, shopping, <br />working, recreational, and open space areas, various uses for each phase of the <br />project shall be approved and developed in a proportional manner. -Commercial <br />and personal service uses, office and light industrial uses and residential uses shall <br />generally constitute the same percentage of area for each phase as they constitute <br />in the project as a whole. -No more than twenty-five (25) percent of the proposed <br />residential use development will be permitted until at least twenty-five (25) <br />percent of the proposed commercial and personal service uses and office and light <br />industrial uses occur. <br />4. 5. Form: The project shall meet the Traditional Neighborhood Design <br />standards of the Future Land Use Element Policy 18.1.Each new town project <br />shall be buffered from adjacent land uses. At a minimum the following buffer <br />• . - - - In so doing, the new town shall have a perimeter edge <br />and a center. Along the perimeter edge, a significant greenbelt shall be provided, <br />Future Land Use Element 148 <br />
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