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�-326 <br />tawnship, thirty-two (32) Pouthl Range Thirty-eight (38)'Sastp a distance of two and a <br />half miles. <br />beg leave to report to your honors as follows: that we after first having subscribed t V,-,-, <br />the oath required by law before entering on our duties make this our general reports <br />What we proceeded to the said proposed location of the said public road upon the 27th <br />day of September# 1930t and viewed and marked out the following as the best route for <br />said proposed road. Said road is to be .50.- feet wide <br />Commencing at the North-east corner of Section Thirty-six (36)1 Township Thirty- <br />one (31). South; _Range Thirty-eight (38) fast; <br />Thence south on line between Ranges Thirty-eight (38) and Thirty-nine (39) to <br />the east one-quarter cornery Section Twelve (12); Township Thirty-two (32) South; <br />Range Thirty-eight (38) Baste A distance of two and a half miles* <br />Thereforep having performed the duties required by law under the appointment <br />of your honorsp we pray to be discharged*' <br />Hubert Graves <br />So Re Vilkerson <br />Do Lo Leisher <br />Road Committee., <br />The above report is hereby accepted and approved. Done in open session at the <br />Court House in Vero Beachp Florida, this 7th. day of Octobers 1930* <br />It vas ordered that after advertisement as provided by law for 30 days, and no <br />protest has been filed against the above designated roads that the same be declared a <br />public County roade" <br />The Chairman announced that a County Home Demonstration Agent had been appointed <br />for St Ducie and Indian River Counties jointly., salary to be paid by the Federal Govern- <br />ment and request was made for the County to agree to pay for necessary implements in <br />connection with this work, not to exceed $300.00 during the next 12 months. On motion <br />made, seconded and carried, it was ordered the County appropriate this amount to assist <br />in this work.. Upon being put to a vote the following voted yea: ComIrs. Atkin; LaBruce <br />Hamilton and Helseth. Those voting No: CommIr Yongue. <br />It was ordered that the road from Old Dixie Highway to the Oslo Cemetery be marled, whit� <br />is a distance of about 1/8 of a mile. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County having been audited, were examined <br />i and found to be correct were approved, and warrants ordered issued in settlement of same <br />The said bills and accounts being on f ile in the Clerk office, and the warrants so issue <br />from the respective funds being listed completely in the County Finance Recordl as pro- <br />vided by laws reference to said County Finance Record and the lists so recorded being <br />made a part of these minutes as fully and completely as if the said warrants were set ou <br />herein in detail. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statements of the various funds, showing <br />receipts and disbursements, which having been audited, were found to be correct. <br />There being no further business on motion madet seconded and carried the Board then <br />adjourned until Tuesday, October 14th, 19309 which meeting will be considered the mid- <br />month meeting of this Board. <br />,AT TF <br />Chat mnan. <br />-C 1 -e r k. <br />I <br />