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TRANSPORTATION FUND <br />Administrator Baird announced that the proposed Transportation Fund Budget is <br />$13,315,401, a decrease of $2,417,305, or 15.4%. He said that the staff reduction of twelve full- <br />time positions is a savings of $600,373; that there was a savings of $97,822 due to no Merit <br />raises and an increase of $130,945 for Teamsters; the retirement rate increases have caused an <br />additional cost of $34,986, and the additional Gas Tax increased by $49,663, or 2.3%. He <br />outlined the individual Departmental expenses and reductions as follows: <br />Road and Bridge showed a proposed Budget of $6,745,204, a reduction of $553,160, or 7.6% <br />Public Works is $304,650, a 16.9% reduction <br />County Engineering is $1,942,511, a 4.7% reduction <br />Traffic Engineering $2,179,366, a 10.68% reduction <br />Stormwater $576,834, a 14.1% reduction <br />The total Transportation Department's proposed Budget is $11,748,565, a 16.7% reduction. <br />Administrator Baird and Director Jason Brown clarified points relating to Subdivision <br />Improvement Funds, and noted that the details of the millage are located under the "Paving" <br />section of the Road and Bridge Department Budget. <br />EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT (E.S.D.) <br />FIRE RESCUE <br />Administrator Baird stated that the proposed Budget is $26,493,200, a decrease of <br />$1,990,318, or 7.0%. He said that the real estate decline has caused a $3 million, or 13.1% <br />decrease in the taxable value and revenue; there are no Step or Merit increases for the firefighters <br />or paramedics; and that the elimination of one full-time position is a savings of $94,890. He <br />conveyed that Fire Rescue is about $2 million into the Fund Balance, that there would be no <br />decrease in services, and that the proposed millage rate is 1.7148, 13.4% below rollback. <br />8 <br />July 14, 2010 <br />