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Commissioners and staff reiterated appreciation to the Fire Fighters' Union for voting to <br />amend their contract, and agreeing to forego their raises. <br />Walter Geiger, 3944 58th Circle, Vero Beach, representing the Indian River Taxpayers' <br />Association, provided suggestions and explanations on how to save money by reducing <br />Firefighters' overtime, and relocating or eliminating ambulances. He also commented on <br />modifying and reducing pension liabilities of the future. <br />The Chairman called a break at 10:53 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:10 a.m., <br />with all members present. <br />AGGREGATE MILLAGE <br />STATE PROPOSED AGGREGATE MILLAGE <br />Administrator Baird conveyed that the proposed Aggregate Millage is 5.0933, 0.7219 <br />below rollback, or 12.4%. <br />ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LAND ACQUISITION BOND <br />LAND ACQUISITION BONDS — 2004 REFERENDUM <br />Administrator Baird reported that the proposed Budget for the Environmentally Sensitive <br />Land Acquisition Bonds is $1,058,713, with millage of .0681, a .0044 reduction, or 6.1%. Under <br />the $50 million Land Acquisition Bonds — 2004 Referendum, the proposed Budget is <br />$4,751,963, a $41,135 reduction, which is an increase in millage due to the values going down. <br />He said the proposed millage rate is .3406, an increase of .0252 more than last year. <br />STREETLIGHTING DISTRICTS <br />Administrator Baird announced the Streetlighting Districts (per parcel/acre assessments) <br />rates, then explained the accumulation of reductions. <br />Gifford $25.00 Laurelwood $18.00 <br />Rockridge $ 8.00 Vero Highland $23.00 <br />9 <br />July 14, 2010 <br />