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a tree has grown with cluster stems at breast height, dbh shall be <br />equal to the sum or aggregate of the individual stems measured at <br />four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above grade. <br />Direct Visual Access - Unobstructed line -of -sight from within a <br />dwelling unit to all or portion of an open space area. <br />Directly Accessed Segment - That major roadway segment on the <br />concurrency determination network serving as a development <br />project's immediate and direct access of ingress and egress. <br />Discharge - The outflow of water from a project site, drainage <br />basin or other facility. <br />Districts - Those nine (9) geographical areas as identified on the <br />Traffic Impact Fee District Map, which is incorporated herein by <br />reference. <br />Diverging - The division of a single stream of traffic into <br />separate streams. <br />Dock - Commercial - A fixed or floating structure, including <br />moorings, used for the purpose of berthing buoyant vessels on a <br />commercial basis. A commercial dock does not include a marina, <br />boat livery, or boat yard. A commercial dock may exist <br />independently or as an incidental part of a marina, boat livery, <br />or boat yard. <br />Dock - Dry - An upland structure used for storing watercraft. A <br />dry dock may be part of a boat livery or boat yard but shall not <br />be permitted as part of a marina. <br />Dock - Private - A fixed or floating structure, including moorings, <br />used for the purpose of berthing buoyant vessels and which does not <br />produce income, and does not serve as in inducement to renting, <br />purchasing, or using accompanying facilities. A dock may include <br />a pier. <br />Domestic Animals - See Household Pets <br />Dormitory - A building used as group living quarters for a student <br />body, religious order, or other group as an associated use to a <br />college, university, boarding school, orphanage, convent, <br />monastery, farm labor camp, or other similar use. Dormitories do <br />not include kitchen facilities, except a group kitchen facility to <br />serve all residents. <br />DOT - The Florida Department of Transportation. <br />Drainage - The removal of surface water or groundwater from land <br />by drains, grading or other means which include runoff controls <br />designed to minimize erosion and sedimentation during and after <br />construction or development, to preserve the water supply, and to <br />promote water quality, and to prevent or alleviate flooding. <br />30 <br />