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Long Term Financial Planning and Major Initiatives <br />Chapter 163 Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5 requires each local government <br />to have a Comprehensive Land Use Plan. An important part of this plan is the Capital Improvements <br />Program (CIP) which evaluates the need for public facilities in support of the Future Land Use Element, <br />to estimate the costs of improvements for which local government has fiscal responsibility, to analyze <br />the fiscal capacity of the local government to finance and construct improvements, and to adopt financial <br />policies to guide the funding and construction of the improvements. The CIP is updated annually and <br />encompasses a period of five years. Listed below are five major capital projects included in the current <br />CIP along with the source of funding and capital costs: <br />➢ Fire/EMS Station 13 — Construction of an additional station is planned to serve the expanding <br />south county population. The Emergency Services District reserves will provide $426,000 with <br />the remaining $1.7 million being funded by impact fees. The operating expense will be <br />approximately $2.1 million beginning in fiscal year 2014. <br />➢ South County Park — Phase III Improvements - The expansion of this park is necessary to <br />provide recreation facilities and programs to the growing population in the southern part of the <br />County. A multi-purpose intergenerational facility will be constructed at a cost of $5.5 million <br />with impact fees and one cent sales tax providing the funding. Ad valorem tax proceeds and user <br />fees as well as partnering agency contributions will fund increased operating costs which are <br />estimated to be about $118,000 per year. <br />• 66th Avenue Widening — This roadway is scheduled for widening from State Road 60 in Vero <br />Beach to 49th Street. Currently, this is one of the few main arterials connecting the north and <br />south county areas and traffic has increased substantially on this road. Estimated construction <br />costs are over $19.8 million. Funding will be from traffic impact fees, gas taxes and grants. <br />In the future, the County plans to expand 66th Avenue from 49th Street to the Sebastian City <br />limits. <br />➢ Oslo Road from 43"11 Avenue to 58th Avenue — This phase of Oslo Road widening will increase <br />the road from two to four lanes at a cost of approximately $5.5 million. Funding will be from <br />traffic impact fees and gas taxes. <br />➢ Crime Scene Unit Building — This is a renovation and expansion of an existing structure next to <br />the Sheriff's Office for additional evidence storage. Funding in the amount of $2.4 million will <br />be provided by both optional sales tax and impact fees. <br />Effective October 2008, the Board of County Commissioners decided that Indian River County shall <br />become a "green" county under the auspices of the Florida Green Building Coalition, Inc. with a goal of <br />becoming a sustainable community and county. Since there is an important public interest in promoting <br />the construction of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings, it is the County's policy to promote these <br />standards and demonstrate commitment to energy conservation, saving taxpayer money and raising <br />public awareness of environmental concerns. Indian River County has been certified as a "Gold" Status <br />Florida Green County since 2009. The Indian River County Transit Facility, whose construction was <br />completed in 2012, has been certified as the County's first "green" building. The facility was designed <br />and constructed in compliance with the Florida Green Building Coalition Standards for commercial <br />buildings. Some operational standards include controls that enhance indoor air quality and insure proper <br />ventilation for employees, design specifications for energy reduction of 25% below normal, recycling of <br />at least 75% of the construction waste, drought tolerant landscape materials, and furnishings made with <br />25% recycled content. <br />iv <br />