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THE BOARD NEXT REVIEWED THE FOLLOWING MEMORANDUM FROM <br />ADMINISTRATOR NELSON REGARDING THE STATUS OF NEW SUBDIVISION <br />REGULATIONS: <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />INTER OFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Honorable Members of the <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM: Nei 1 A. Nelson, <br />County Administrator <br />DATE: April 2, 1981 <br />FILE: <br />SUBJECT: Status of New Subdivision Regulations <br />REFERENCES: <br />This is in response to a request from the Board of County Commissioners to <br />identify the present status of efforts to develop new subdivision regulations. <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />Subdivision Regulations are part of the implementation process for land use <br />management. Along with other ordinances, they are intended to aid in coordinating <br />land development in accordance with orderly physical patterns described in the <br />Land Use Plan, discouraging haphazard, premature, and/or uneconomic growth. These <br />regulations attempt to establish reasonable guidelines for the subdivider to <br />provide adequate and necessary physical improvements to the land. Further, they <br />protect taxpayers from the burden of improvement and ensures the purchaser of <br />land in a subdivision that minimum standards for necessary improvements of lasting <br />quality have been met. <br />In conjunction with the development of the elements of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />the Planning staff and consultant are proceeding to draft proposals for regulations <br />which coincide with the policies and intent of the planning document, especially <br />the Land Use and Transportation Elements. This effort has been two pronged, with <br />the consultant working to draft documents in relation to the content of the <br />elements and County staff personnel of several departments developing similar <br />proposals based upon direct analysis of experience. Both efforts are accessing <br />the needs exposed by their approaches and suggesting methods to meet them. Many <br />of these areas overlap, providing several points of view or consensus in certain <br />areas. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />It is recongized that the existing regulations are somewhat deficient in dealing <br />with today's conditions. However, it is felt that piecemeal correction of this <br />and other regulatory documents would -cause further confusion and misunderstanding <br />as to the intent and content of these regulations, due to conflicting statements <br />and lack of policy direction. The choices for handling the problem include: <br />7461,P:AGE22 <br />RAJ <br />