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5/19/2017 3:53:18 PM
Creation date
10/5/2015 8:53:02 AM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
County Administrator Signature
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Florida Affinity, Inc.
Amendment of Contract CR 512 Exchange
CR 512
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ITEM 13: <br />REQUEST: Consider (a) .a land exchange of 2.77 acres of Trustees -owned property located in St. <br />Sebastian River Preserve State Park (SSRPSP) for 2.79 acres of existing county -owned road right-of- <br />way within SSRPSP and declare the 2.77 acres of Trustee property as no longer needed for <br />conservation purposes if replaced by the 2.79 acres of county property to be donated to the state, and <br />(b) the associated land exchange of 6.84 acres of Trustees -owned property in SSRPSP for a 7.55 acre <br />island of county -owned property for a future stormwater retention pond necessary for the road <br />widening of County Road 512 and declare the 6.84 acres of Trustees' property as no longer needed for <br />conservation purposes if replaced by the 7.55 acres of county property to be donated to the state. <br />LOCATION: Indian River County <br />DSL Staff Remarks: The Division of State Lands (DSL) received a request from the Indian River Board of <br />County Commissioners (County) to exchange approximately 2.77 acres of state-owned land for 2.79 acres of <br />land currently located within county -owned right-of-way. The County is in the process of widening County <br />Road 512 from a two-lane to a four -lane road as necessary to meet the County's projected growth in traffic <br />volume for the corridor. At the same time, the County would like to realign 102nd Terrace that currently crosses <br />through SSRPSP. <br />The parcel the County will convey is part of an existing two-lane road right-of-way road (102nd Terrace) <br />approximately 80 feet wide that runs directly through a portion of SSRPSP (2.79 acres). Current patterns have <br />heavy traffic entering onto County Road 512 from south 101st Avenue. Traffic subsequently heads west along <br />County Road 512 then turns north on 102"d Terrace, which is the road that travels through the SSRPSP. <br />Acquiring this portion of 102nd Terrace will not only assist with the safety issues associated with the widening of <br />County Road 512, there will be an overall net increase in acreage to the SSRPSP. Further, the unified traffic <br />signalization at 101st Avenue will eliminate the need to locate more than one traffic signal within this short <br />stretch. <br />The 2.77 acre parcel the Board of Trustees will convey borders the extreme outer boundary of the SSRPSP <br />and will be approximately 70 feet wide. A proposed two-lane roadway (101st Avenue) would replace the <br />existing two-lane road that currently runs through the SSRPSP. The proposed road will be constructed in a <br />similar alignment as the current two-lane road and will also merge into 102nd Avenue. The new road will help <br />to alleviate some of the safety issues associated with the road widening project of County Road 512. The <br />County has agreed to restore the vacated portions of the new road right-of-way to natural conditions (i.e., <br />remove fill, replant native species). Further, the County will move fill off the existing road to the new road. <br />The County has agreed to remove invasive species within SSRPSP. Specifically, the County is willing to <br />expand the area of exotics removal beyond the immediate footprint of the abandoned alignment to an area in <br />the vicinity of the abandoned alignment and the new alignment. Additionally, the County will remove invasive <br />species in the overall SSRPSP area west of the new alignment extending to and including the proposed <br />stormwater tract area. <br />Concurrent with the request above, and in association with the widening of County Road 512, the County <br />seeks ARC approval to exchange 6.84 acres of SSRPSP land it needs for a stormwater retention pond, for a <br />7.55 acre island in the St. Sebastian River. It will be necessary for the stormwater retention pond to be located <br />on the land currently within the SSRPSP's southwestern most boundary. The outfall for the pond ("Pond A") <br />will discharge to a new ditch that will parallel CR 512 (within the CR 512 RAN) and will go to "Pond B" at the <br />North County Park. Pond B will have an outfall that discharges into a ditch. That ditch goes across the <br />Sebastian River Middle School property and into a slough on property east of the school, and then discharges <br />to the south prong of the Sebastian River. <br />In exchange, the County has proposed to convey a 7.55 acre private island in the St. Sebastian River and <br />adjacent to the SSRPSP. The island will be added to the management of the SSRPSP and is within the <br />optimum-managementbaundades-for-the-SSFP-SP.�he-island-is-a-mixture-of-estuarine-wetlands mangrove <br />
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