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fringe, linear uplands on the interior (evidenced by cabbage palms), with some Brazilian pepper encroachment <br />on the fringes. It is currently zoned conservation, 1 unit per 40 acres. Since the island is a stand-alone parcel, <br />zoning and land use regulations would allow a private owner to develop one residential unit on the island, <br />subject to obtaining all jurisdictional permits. <br />The County has agreed to eradicate exotic species from the island and while an appraisal is currently <br />underway, the list price of the island is $500,000. The County has also agreed to pay any difference in values <br />once an appraisal has been completed for the subject parcels. <br />Alternatives to the proposed retention pond were reviewed by the County and included an existing pond just to <br />the east of the road realignment and a private parcel in the area. The private parcel was too far removed from <br />the realignment project to be considered and the existing stormwater pond appears to have been a borrow pit; <br />it is too deep to be practically redesigned to meet the St. Johns River Water Management District stormwater <br />management standards. The County has attempted to minimize the tract size to the extent feasible, and is <br />"tucking" the pond into the southwest corner of the SSRPSP in an effort to minimize spatial impacts. <br />DEP staff is of the opinion that the proposed exchange will provide a net positive benefit to the SSRPSP by: 1) <br />addressing safety issues associated with the current alignment of 102nd Terrace; 2) restoring degraded <br />resources of 102nd Terrace (i.e., wetland alteration) associated with the new alignment of 102nd Terrace, 3) <br />eliminating exotic species within the SSRPSP; (4) providing a net increase in acreage for the SSRPSP; (5) <br />improving traffic safety issues associated with the widening of County Road 512, and (6) facilitating the road <br />widening project with the county's commitment to mitigate the exchange by providing comparable land of equal <br />or higher resource or economic value. The DRP, managing agency for SSRPSP, supports these exchanges. <br />Staff believes the exchanges to be in the public's best interest. <br />Pursuant to Article X, Section 18 of the Florida Constitution and Section 253.034(6), F.S., a determination is <br />required by the Board of Trustees that the subject parcel is no longer needed for conservation purposes. Staff <br />is requesting that ARC make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to that effect. <br />DEP Staff Recommendations: Approve the exchange. <br />ARC Recommendation: <br />( ) APPROVE <br />( ) APPROVE WITH MODIFICATIONS: <br />( ) DEFER <br />( ) WITHDRAW <br />( ) NOT APPROVE <br />( ) OTHER: <br />