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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P.E. <br />26 February 2008 <br />Page 3of11 <br />permitted capacity extends the life of the Class I landfill until January 2011, based on current and <br />projected waste acceptance rates. <br />As previously discussed, the current FDEP permits for C&D placement on Segment 1 with 5 <br />percent top deck slopes would reach final grades in March 2009 before the Class I landfill <br />vertical expansion can be constructed. However, the vertical expansion represents the next phase <br />of the scheduled capacity additions to the Class I landfill. Its projected delay due to the decline in <br />the deliveries of C&D debris for landfill disposal, places it on the critical path of the capacity <br />addition schedule. SWDD requested that Geosyntec modify the vertical expansion design to <br />allow for earlier start of the construction date. The outcome of such modification would be to <br />increase the disposal capacity of the Class I waste at the expense of the unlined C&D disposal <br />area. However, since the SWDD Board has made the decision in August 2007, as part of <br />Amendment to Work Order No. 4, to discontinue the separate disposal of C&D debris in unlined <br />landfill cells, this design modification would be in line with the Board directive to be protective <br />of the environment. <br />The IRCL facility is currently regulated under the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) <br />for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills as identified in Subpart WWW of 40 CFR, Part 60 <br />(Subpart WWW). The NSPS states that MSW landfills that exceed certain size thresholds <br />(waste -in-place of more than 2.5 million Mg or 2.5 million m3) or emission thresholds (emissions <br />of non -methane organic compounds of greater than 50 Mg/yr) are required to collect and control <br />its landfill gas. Currently, the IRCL does not exceed the thresholds prescribed by NSPS; <br />however, the IRCL has a voluntarily -installed active gas collection and control system (GCCS), <br />which includes 40 vertical gas collection wells, 13 horizontal gas collectors, blowers and flare <br />system. As part of Work Order No. 6, SWDD authorized Geosyntec to design a GCCS <br />expansion/phasing plan for the Class I landfill facility, which included upgrading the system to <br />account for the future waste placement that will occur in the existing Segment 1, Segment 2, and <br />Infill Area. Implementation of this upgraded GCCS system will also increase the economic <br />viability of the landfill gas utilization project that SWDD and the County are currently pursuing. <br />PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK <br />This project includes professional engineering services that will be performed for the design <br />modification, permitting, and construction of the Class I landfill vertical expansion, including <br />expansion of GCCS in Segment 1, Segment 2 and Infill Area. The scope of work is based on the <br />requirements of Chapter 62-701, Florida Administrative Code (FAC) and Geosyntec's <br />understanding of the project based on information provided by the SWDD. In addition, <br />Geosyntec will also provide engineering support services for the construction and operation of an <br />on-site borrow pit to supply fill material for construction of the vertical expansion and as cover <br />material for the Class I landfill operations. <br />XL07232/JL80057 IRC PROPOSAL.doc <br />engineers 1 scientists I innovators <br />