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Land Acquisition- To account for expenditures incurred in the purchase of <br />environmentally sensitive land, preservation of water sources, <br />historic sites and agricultural lands. Financing is provided by bond <br />proceeds and state grants. <br />East Gifford Stormwater- To account for expenditures of funds for stormwater improvements <br />in the East Gifford Watershed. Funds are provided by non -ad <br />valorem taxes. <br />Vero Lake Estates- To account for the expenditure of funds to improve roads in the <br />Vero Lake Estates subdivision. Funds are provided by the levying <br />of special assessments. <br />Vero Beach Sports Village Reserve- To provide additional improvements to the Vero Beach Sports <br />Village facility. The City of Vero Beach contributed $1,400,000 <br />and the County contributed $600,000. This fund was previously <br />known as the Dodgertown Capital Reserve Fund in prior fiscal <br />years. <br />Clerk Special Revenue- To account for the proceeds from a special recording fee to be used <br />for computer linkage and modernizing the Clerk of the Circuit <br />Courts' public records system. <br />Sheriff Special Revenue- To account for the expenditure of grants, fines, and restricted <br />revenues received by the Sheriff. <br />Supervisor of Elections <br />Special Revenue- To account for revenues and expenditures from state grants for <br />voter education and pollworker activities. <br />Street Lighting Districts- To account for the costs of providing street lights. Financing is <br />provided by the levying of special assessments. <br />Disaster Recovery Grants- To account for revenues and expenditures of grants received in <br />response to disasters, such as hurricanes. <br />SHIP Hurricane Housing Recovery Grant- To account for the proceeds from the State Housing Initiatives <br />Program Hurricane Housing Recovery Grant. The purpose of this <br />grant is to provide financial assistance through grants and loans to <br />residents impacted from hurricanes. <br />Parks Development- To account for expenditures for improvements made to County <br />parks. Financing is provided by the sale of surplus County <br />property. <br />104 <br />