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Indian River County, Florida <br />Notes To Financial Statements <br />Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />NOTE 13 - LONG-TERM LIABILITIES <br />A. Changes in Long-term Liabilities <br />Long-term liability activity for the year ended September 30, 2010, was as follows: <br />Governmental Activities: <br />Bonds payable: <br />Limited General Obligation Bonds - <br />Series 2006 <br />General Obligation Bonds — Series 2001 <br />Spring Training Facility Revenue Bonds - <br />Series 2001 <br />General Obligation Refunding Bonds - <br />Series 2003 <br />Subtotal <br />Add: Unamortized bonds premium <br />Total bonds payable <br />Other liabilities: <br />Pollution remediation <br />Claims payable <br />Compensated absences <br />Total other liabilities <br />Governmental activities long-term liabilities <br />Business -type Activities: <br />Bonds payable: <br />Recreational Refunding Revenue Bonds - <br />Series 2003 <br />Water & Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds - <br />Series 1993A <br />Series 2005 <br />Series 2009 <br />Subtotal <br />Add: Unamortized bonds premium <br />Less: Unamortized bonds discount <br />Total bonds payable <br />Other liabilities: <br />Landfill closure and maintenance costs <br />Pollution remediation <br />Compensated absences <br />Total other liabilities <br />Business -type activities long-term liabilities <br />$ 3,685,000 $ <br />$ <br />510,000 $ <br />3,175,000 $ <br />Due <br />Beginning <br />1,475,000 <br />Ending <br />Within <br />Balance <br />Additions <br />Retirements <br />Balance <br />One Year <br />26,370,000 <br />$ 41,045,000 $ <br />$ <br />2,775,000 $ <br />38,270,000 $ <br />2,885,000 <br />5,955,000 <br />3,380,000 <br />745,000 <br />5,210,000 <br />780,000 <br />12,895,000 <br />236,906 <br />585,000 <br />12,310,000 <br />605,000 <br />1,210,000 <br />4,629 <br />1,210,000 <br />- <br />- <br />61,105,000 <br />3,612,277 <br />5,315,000 <br />55,790,000 <br />4,270,000 <br />1,095,387 <br />10,427,975 <br />93,224 <br />1,002,163 <br />- <br />62,200,387 <br />44,000 <br />5,408,224 <br />56,792,163 <br />4,270,000 <br />9,280 <br />2,544,300 <br />816,333 <br />46,100 <br />2,498,200 <br />255,240 <br />7,875,000 <br />13,940,099 <br />13,916,099 <br />7,899,000 <br />2,351,622 <br />10,296,139 <br />6,589,835 <br />6,687,314 <br />10,198,660 <br />5,365,983 <br />20,715,439 <br />20,529,934 <br />20,649,513 <br />20,595,860 <br />7,972,845 <br />$ 82,915,826 $ <br />20,529,934 $ <br />26,057,737 $ <br />77,388,023 $ <br />12,242,845 <br />$ 3,685,000 $ <br />$ <br />510,000 $ <br />3,175,000 $ <br />520,000 <br />3,030,000 <br />1,475,000 <br />1,555,000 <br />1,555,000 <br />23,320,000 <br />1,395,000 <br />21,925,000 <br />1,435,000 <br />26,370,000 <br />- <br />26,370,000 <br />- <br />56,405,000 <br />3,380,000 <br />53,025,000 <br />3,510,000 <br />3,403,413 <br />236,906 <br />3,166,507 <br />- <br />32,015 <br />4,629 <br />27,386 <br />- <br />59,776,398 <br />3,612,277 <br />56,164,121 <br />3,510,000 <br />10,427,975 <br />495,402 <br />1,404,641 <br />9,518,736 <br />- <br />44,000 <br />- <br />2,400 <br />41,600 <br />9,280 <br />1,057,854 <br />816,333 <br />846,397 <br />1,027,790 <br />474,746 <br />11,529,829 <br />1,311,735 <br />2,253,438 <br />10,588,126 <br />484,026 <br />$ 71,306,227 $ <br />1,311,735 $ <br />5,865,715 $ <br />66,752,247 $ <br />3,994,026 <br />74 <br />