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2010-252A (02)
Official Documents
2010-252A (02)
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Official Documents
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C oimpreN enisiive Plami Starmwaiter Management Sub -El ement <br />Magoon (IRL; , wliarci fllocid prone weit:larids provid(i f lcicidwater storages. L ndeir authors ty of tHo Wator <br />Qualiiq Aat aMS187 (a.k.a Clcian Water Act (CWIA)), tHo EFTA is reisplonsibla for issuing National <br />Aollutani D ischlarga Eliminai ion Sysnl cim (N PD ES) permits ftir paint and none -point sources di sclhaiiges. <br />Basidus areatir.lgl 11hei NFIDIES plragrami, the CWA of 151 17 estate llishcic thci Naticinal Estclaryj Program <br />(NEA; . Unidcir That program, the Indian River Lagoon was identified as baingl an estuary of naiionlal <br />significlanae thraatencid by potlulion, overusci, Enid duvalopmenrt. In HI511, the EPA :initiated the <br />Indian Rllvar Lagoon Natianal Estuary Program (IRINFIPI). Thle IRINEFI was ahlarged with <br />developing a Comprahansiva Conseirvation and Managemcinit Alan (CCNU PI) to (insure prusorvation of <br />tho )RI's eaosysi em through) aonsonsus-driven duaision making and problomi solving). Flina:l adoption <br />of thle IRLCCIMFI,"ias aompllcit(id in 19q(. 'Uha ftiur prol]raml goals adoplled ir.i i1hci IRL CICIMA arta as <br />folkmis: <br />Ta acs' ain anc mainlairi waiter arse sec imenit of sufflcienr quality to suipplar a t ea tt y estuarrine sysilem; <br />Ta Wain and mainlairi ar funiclinning healthy ecasyslem Ahich suilporls enidaglevee and lhieadenied <br />species, fist eries, commerce avid recvealian; <br />Ta achieve heiglhienied puihiic awiaiieniess and caarc incl ian aflirterargenq maniaglerrienit afltt a Indians <br />River Lagoon ecasysl erre and <br />Ta is enitify aur: d develop) ling -term furlding sawices far pi iavil ized plrojecl s and plrogigns to preserve, <br />pratect, vestave and enhance 1he Ind'ar River Laglaan system. <br />Statu of Fka id a <br />➢ Al arida Dflpartmunt ofIEnviranmein itaiI Bnotelctioni (DIEM) <br />The FIDES, unc cir the autHoriq afIFIAC Chaptur 62-3, roviews and permits starmlwater diisohaige into <br />waters oflthle Stata to ansurci thlat state waleir quallity standards arca not exaaeded. In 1986, parmit <br />authority was dcdegaied 10 tHa 81. Jlohnls liver W atur Managemorvl D islrict. <br />In 1969, two (2) aquatic prasurvas worci estate 11ishad in Indian Rivur Caunty. Aquallic Preserve #1 <br />extends from Mallabar in L'ravard County to thle r.iarlharnl City limiiis of Vero Bcia(ih. Aquatic <br />Aruserve A -A extur.ic s from thle saullharrl City limits of Mciro L claeH to the Flt. Flieraci Inlet iin St. Lucke <br />Count)). In 1975, thle Fllark a Aquatiicl Erescirve Act dellclgatcid the responsibillity oflmanaging 1lhase <br />aquatic preserves to the Fllariida Dapartmant of Nal ural Rasources (now DEB,. <br />➢ Vit. Jlohmi Rivar Waters Manapmanit District (SJRWIMD) <br />The SJFJWMD, urdar tha authloriq of 4OC-4, Fllorida Administrative Glades, raglulatas the <br />managemanll and storaglcl of surfaca Maters within tha St. Johns River Basin. Tho SJIRIWMD <br />ancompasses an arch of over 12,400 square mules. Within its boundaries are the St. Johris Rivar <br />L asiin, the Nassau Rlvar P asiin, the Fllorida portion afhlha St. Mary's River Basin; and savaral coastal <br />drainage basins, including a majarity ofliha Indian River Lagaon (IRL). Indian River County, whiclh <br />Clammuinblyj Develapltrienil Eleplarlmiennl In Duni River Cloumdy 6 <br />
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