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C cimprehensive Plfiti Starmwatcr M2riagemanit Sub-Elemeint <br />Poarly Dlriaincid: Tlhcisci ane soils in which) water is remo-Aed so slowayl ilhat the sail ncimains satwailad <br />for long periods. Paar drainages results from a l igH water table, a slowly pervious :layer w:ilhin ilha <br />profiaci, scicipage, oii a cambination afMesie cilcimants. <br />Vlery Poorer Drained: Tlhcisci arca sails in wHicih waters is iiemoved so slowly from thle soil thlal frea <br />avatar riemains at or near the surf doe during mosit ofltHe €hawing season. <br />AG E NC IE SI INVI OLVE D l N SITORMWATE R MANAG E MENT <br />Many €lavernmar.itaa agunciies all variaus ]cive:lsi (if lgavarnmenit havci sitormwatcir jur:isidicilioni within <br />Indian Riven Claunty. A dosaription aflglavarnment agencicis and 1lhair rcisponisibilities f Blows: <br />F ed viral C ci-* ern m emt <br />➢ Federal Emergency Management A gem cry (FEMA) <br />Tlhci FEMA indiractllyl riegulates stormwatur managamenit and flood pnotacit:ian ini Indian Rimar <br />County. It doesi sio by establisHing rcigulations kir the federal flood insurancia program. As a <br />parliciipatinig ciammunity in thle pnogriam, Indian Rlvciii County, musit ciamiply witH FEMA <br />raquinemenits. <br />In 1988, FEMA prapaned a flood inisurancici rata study for Indian Rivan Claunty,. That study included a <br />techri:icial analysis aflthle ciounq to dcrtermina thla limitsi of coastal flood aanas, thla 1Q(1-yciar f acid <br />plain, and thla 00 -year f )acid plair.i. Nalural floodways and man -mac ci channals ware analyzed using <br />tle U.B. Army Corps of Eniginecirs EEICI avid HECII Stormwatcm Computer Models. This <br />ciompnehlenisiva analysis aflflood ellcimatians provided useful data to regulate flload platin avid f. ood <br />way anciraachmenit. Rucenlly, FEMA began a "map madarniaatian" praaess, wHerciby Flood <br />Insuraniaci Rate Maps (1111RM!s) fkr 11 ci county ane bairn€I updated and diglit:iacid. TiHis update ofltHe <br />FIRMS is on siahcidule to be comphited in 201(1. <br />➢ Natural Rlesourae Con servati ani Slervi ae (NRCSI; <br />Title fkirmar Soil Clanservation Sarvica (now tha MRCS) aampletad a detailed sail survey foci Indian <br />WIvaii County in 1987. TlHat sail survey is useful in ketermininig 11ha drainiage and paiicolationi <br />aapaaity of sioilsi. THe soil survay Has bean digitized anti is a l cilpful too] fbr analyzing water4led <br />aor.ik itiomi. <br />➢ Env iron mem tal Prcrteicitioni A g(incy (IEP A) <br />We Ef A raviews dnadge and fila permit appliaat:ions under the U.S. Army Carps of Fin€1ir.iaersi <br />IJACOH; permitting authloriq. Halt gcinciies monitor avid parmit fill activity allang thla Ind:iar Rlivan <br />Clommunfly Develcipmeril Eerlarlmerd Incliari River Courtly <br />