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Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element <br />relative crash rates were 21St Street at 8th Avenue with 6.25 crashes per Million Entering Vehicles <br />(MEV) and 21St Street at 5th Ave (4.37 crashes per MEV). <br />In 2005, there were 1,522 crashes and 32 fatalities on Indian River County's roadways. That <br />corresponds to a rate of approximately one crash per 2,800 vehicle miles traveled. In per capita <br />terms, the 1,522 crashes resulted in a rate of .012. Approximately 2% of all crashes in 2005 resulted <br />in a fatality. <br />2030 Long Range Transportation Plan <br />In 2005, the MPO completed its 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) update. As was the <br />case in previous plans, the MPO identified both future deficiencies on the road network and a cost <br />affordable set of improvements needed to accommodate future demand. According to the 2030 <br />LRTP, the vast majority of roadways are expected to operate at LOS "D" or better in 2030, with <br />the majority actually operating at LOS `B" or above. A small number of roadways, however, are <br />expected to operate below LOS "D." These are shown on Table 4.7 and include Indian River <br />Boulevard (Merrill Barber Bridge — Royal Palm Point); SR AIA (17th Street — Vero Beach City <br />Limits); parts of US 1 in the City of Sebastian and in the City of Vero Beach; and the Wabasso <br />Causeway. <br />In the course of developing the 2030 LRTP update, the MPO identified roadway projects that <br />were underway or expected to be completed within five years of adoption of the LRTP. These <br />projects, known as committed roadway projects, were added to the inventory of existing roadway <br />projects in Indian River County to form the Existing plus Committed (E+C) roadway network. <br />The E+C roadway network can be found in Table 1 and in Figure 4.2, while proposed new <br />roadway improvement projects can be found in Figure 4.8. <br />In the 2030 Cost Feasible Plan, major planned roadway improvements include the widening of <br />SR 60 (82nd Avenue — 98th Avenue); the construction of 58th Avenue (Oslo Road to Koblegard <br />Road in St. Lucie County); the construction of 82"d Avenue (26th Street to Laconia Street and <br />south of Oslo Road to St. Lucie County); the widening of 66th Avenue (Barber Street to St. Lucie <br />County); the widening of USI (Roseland Road to Brevard County, CR 510 to Aviation <br />Boulevard, and Oslo Road to St. Lucie County); and the extension of Aviation Boulevard (US 1 <br />to Indian River Boulevard). <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />