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Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element <br />known as the GoLine, is free and available to all riders. There are currently eleven routes that <br />operate countywide. These routes are depicted in Figures 4.5A — 4.5K. Five of those routes have <br />limited service on Saturdays. In downtown Vero Beach, Pocahontas Park is the transfer facility <br />for six of the routes. <br />Since the county's transit system was established, ridership has increased each year. In 2006, <br />there were 329,312 annual passenger trips on the fixed route system in 2006 (Table 4.3A). <br />Currently, the system operates from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm, five days a week. Ridership per capita <br />is 2.43; cost per mile is $2.83, and riders per mile are 0.68. To enable a wider user group to <br />access the transit system, the SRA offers complementary dial -a -ride service for those persons <br />who live more than'/4 mile from a bus stop and wish to use the fixed route service. <br />In 2008, the county performed a transit quality of service (TQLOS) analysis as part of its Transit <br />Development Plan (TDP) major update. As shown on Table 4.313, two TQLOS indicators, <br />Transit Frequency and Hours of Operation, were both at LOS E. In terms of the Travel Time <br />level of service measure, there were variations between different routes on the system, ranging <br />from "A" on routes with little traffic and few stops to "D" for routes in the Vero Beach area; the <br />average system -wide score was LOS B. The other components of TQLOS are: Passenger <br />Loading of transit vehicles, which was at LOS A; Reliability, which was at LOS C; and Service <br />Coverage, which was at LOS A. <br />In Indian River County, the transit mode is a measurable, but modest, share of all travel. According <br />to the 2005 FSUTMS model validation, there were 612,195 person trips made in Indian River <br />County on a daily basis at that time. Data collected by the county's transit provider, Indian River <br />Transit, indicated that, in 2005, there were 1,038 daily fixed route transit system riders. This <br />translates to a transit mode split of 0.169%. <br />Recently, mode split analysis was conducted at the corridor level on all roadways which function as <br />fixed bus routes. Of those, four corridors had a transit mode split of 1% (or more) of total trips. <br />The corridor with the highest transit mode split was 45th Street, between 43rd Avenue and Old Dixie <br />Highway, at 7.8%. On SR.60 between 58th Ave and the Indian River Mall entrance, more than <br />2.5% of trips were transit trips, while US 1 from Oslo Road to 4th Street had approximately one <br />percent of trips made by fixed route transit. Finally, transit accounted for 1% of trips on SR 60 <br />between the Intracoastal Waterway and SR AIA (over the Merrill Barber Bridge). <br />Besides providing fixed route transit, the Senior Resource Association provides demand - <br />response service in Indian River County. This service, which is known as the Community Coach, <br />is available throughout the entire county between 6:30am and 5:30pm. To use the system, <br />clients are asked to make reservations from 24 to 48 hours in advance, depending on the nature <br />of the trip. <br />In 2005, there were 66,245 demand -response passenger trips. A partial list of organizations <br />served includes New Horizons Mental Health Services, the Florida Department of Children and <br />Families, the YMCA, the Coalition for the Homeless, Job Services of Florida, welfare services, <br />and county administration services, as well as several adult day care centers, nursing homes, <br />medical facilities, and nutrition sites. Clients served include Social Security recipients, the <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 28 <br />