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Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element <br />the City of Sebastian, while wells with moderate yields are located proximate to the Atlantic Coastal <br />Sand Ridge, west of U.S. Highway #1 in the easternportion of the county. The western portion of <br />the county exhibits lower yields. Figure 8.11 depicts the locations of high, moderate and low <br />wellfield potential. <br />FIGURE 8.11 <br />POTENTIAL YIELDS OF WELLS TAPPING THE SHALLOW AQUIFER <br />LEGEND <br />LZ11y <br />GREATEST POTENTIAL <br />WELL YIELDS AS MUCH AS 250-1000 GAL/I <br />M <br />MODERATE POTENTIAL <br />WELL YIELDS AS MUCH AS 100-250 GAL/Mm <br />POOR POTENTIAL <br />WELL YIELDS LESS THAN 100 GAL/MIN <br />0 S MILES <br />t i i <br />SOURCE; Water Resources of Indian River County,Fle., <br />US Geological survey. 1075 <br />According to the SJRWMD, extensive withdrawal of water from the surficial aquifer in the area of <br />the Atlantic Coast Sand Ridge eastward to the IRL has resulted in salt water intrusion. Saltwater <br />intrusion is evident in most sections of the county located east of U.S. Highway #l. <br />• Floridan Aquifer <br />The Floridan aquifer underlies the Hawthorn Formation at a depth from 250 to 2,700 feet below the <br />surface. In contrast to the surficial aquifer, the Floridan aquifer is confined and generally uniform. <br />Due to these characteristics, the potentiometric surface (the level to which water would rise if it were <br />not confined) of the aquifer is above the land surface throughout most of Indian River County. <br />While local recharge areas of the Floridan aquifer are limited to the extreme western portion of the <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 29 <br />