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Comprehensive Plan Recreation and Open Space Element <br />INTRODUCTION <br />In all areas, recreation and open space are important components of the community. In fact, the <br />availability of sites for leisure time pursuits or passive enjoyment assumes more importance as <br />growth occurs and population increases. Besides their functional value, recreation and open space <br />sites perform various other functions. These may include resource protection, development control, <br />aesthetic enhancement, and others. <br />Through their location, recreation and open space areas can serve to protect valuable natural <br />resources by putting such areas under public control and restricting development. In a similar <br />manner, recreation and open space areas can channel growth by establishing buffers or greenbelts. <br />Most often, however, recreation and open space areas complement urban development by meeting a <br />community's need for active and passive recreation. <br />In rapidly developing areas such as Indian River County, it is important to program recreation and <br />open space improvements in the planning process. By assessing future demand, adequate sites can <br />be secured in areas of projected need before development restricts land availability. In some cases, <br />site acquisition can also meet other objectives such as habitat preservation, wellfield protection, <br />wastewater effluent reuse, stormwater management, or others. In that way, the Recreation and Open <br />Space Element is related to other components of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The Recreation and Open Space Element, itself, consists of two components. While often similar <br />and complementary, recreation and open space must be considered separately. Each produces <br />different benefits and meets different needs. That, however, does not preclude the same site from <br />providing both recreation and open space functions. One major difference between the recreation <br />and open space components of this element, however, is the type of need each serves to meet. While <br />recreation sites and facilities are designed to meet the recreation needs of the county's population, <br />open space is more oriented to meeting the community's quality of life and aesthetic desires. <br />The purpose of this element is to inventory existing recreation and open space sites and facilities, <br />identify applicable criteria and standards, and assess current and projected needs for recreation and <br />open space. That analysis then provides a basis for developing the county's recreation and open <br />space goals, objectives, and policies. <br />BACKGROUND <br />While it is necessary to identify and analyze existing recreation and open space conditions in Indian <br />River County, it is useful to consider the recreation and open space system generally. As with all <br />local governments, Indian River County has a recreation and open space system that is one <br />component of a large, multi jurisdictional system comprised of sites and facilities acquired and <br />maintained by all levels of government. Looking at the overall system generally serves to put the <br />analysis of existing conditions in Indian River County in perspective. Because existing recreation <br />and open space facilities in Indian River County reflect the policies of the county's decision makers <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 1 <br />