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3/19/2019 1:10:18 PM
Creation date
10/5/2015 9:27:48 AM
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Southern Standard Building Code
Building Code
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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ORDINANCE No. 74 - <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the Southern Standard Building <br />Code, 1973 Edition, as ppinted by the Southern Building Code Congress is <br />hereby adopted by reference as the Indian River County, Florida, Building <br />Code with the following modifications: <br />1. Agricultural Exemption. Nothing contained in this Ordinance <br />shall be construed to apply to or effect building, structures or appurten- <br />ances located outside the corporate limits of municipalities and used <br />solely for housing or storing agricultural animals, supplies, equipment <br />or products by person, firms or corporations engaged in agriculture. <br />2. Liability. Section 103. 7 is amended as follows: <br />The words "County Attorney" are hereby substituted for the <br />words "Department of Law". <br />3. Wben Permit Required. Section 105. 1(c) is amended to read: <br />- "Ordinary minor, non-structural repairs not exceeding in cost <br />or value of labor or materials the sum of one hundred dollars ($100. 00) <br />or one percent (M) of the assessed value of the building for County tax <br />purposes, whichever is less, may be made without the approval of the <br />Building Official and without a permit; provided, that such repairs shall <br />not violate any of the provisions of this code and provided further that <br />this section does not apply to plumbing or electrical work. " <br />4. Form. Section 105. 2 is amended by adding thereto the following <br />Additional subsections: <br />"(c) Each application for a building permit shall bear a current <br />zoning certificate by the County Administrator certifying that (1) the <br />building site, front yard, side yard, rear yard, minimum floor and <br />parking areas and (2) the building height and (3) the setback from any <br />road, street or highway existing or proposed in the county outside the <br />limits of any municipality, as shown on the application and plot diagram <br />(see Section 105. 4), comply frith all applicable regulations established by <br />the county zoning ordinance for tyre district in which the land is located. " <br />"(d) Each application for a permit that involves the construction, <br />installation or modification of a septic tank or absorption field shall bear <br />a current certificate by the County Health Department certifying that <br />said authority has or gill issue a permit authorizing the construction or <br />installation shown on the application and plot diagram or location sheet. " <br />"(e) The Building Official shall not otherwise be involved in <br />matters pertaining to county zoning." <br />5. Plot Dia:zrarn. Section 105. 4 is amended to read: <br />"The Building Official shall require drawings showing the location <br />of the proposed building or structure and of every existing building or <br />structure on the site or lot. The plot diagram shall shove (1) the building, <br />front yard, side yard, rear yard, floor and parking areas, (2) the building <br />height, and (3) the setback frorn any road, street or highway existing or <br />proposed in the county outside the limits of any municipality. The Buildin" <br />Oficial or the County ;�dmini�trator md <br />may also require a boundary line <br />.5urvey, if necessary, prepared by a qualified surveyor, 'fhe plot di.jgrfI <br />
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