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3/19/2019 1:10:18 PM
Creation date
10/5/2015 9:27:48 AM
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Southern Standard Building Code
Building Code
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Building; Ordinance continued <br />-7- <br />(c) lihere installation is commenced• before a permit is obtained, the <br />Permit Fees shall be doubled, <br />(2) Form. Application for permit shall be made on a form provided <br />by the Building Official and shall be accompanied by the fees set forth in the <br />Schedule of Fees. The application shall be signed by the owner or,his autho- <br />rized agent. <br />Section 17. •DRAIHMGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Whenever, in the opinion <br />of the Building Official, drawing sand specifications are needed to show definite- <br />ly the nature and character of the -work for which the- application is made, the <br />applicant shall furnish such drawings and- specifications. These drawings and <br />specifications shall be dra.-in to scale and submitted in duplicate. If approved, <br />one set shall be returned to the applicant" marked approved, and one set shall be <br />retained and filed as a perr:anent record in the -office of the Building Official.. <br />The applicant's approved set shall remain -at -all times on the job.. Such infor- <br />mation or drawings and specifications shall be specific, -and this code shall <br />not be cited as a whole or in part, -,nor shall the to "legal" or its equiva- <br />lent be used as a substitute for specific information. <br />Section 18.-E:Ahtit!ATIOth OF DRAWINGS.- - The• Building Official shall <br />exannine or cause to be examined each applica-Li on"for a permit"and the drawings <br />and specifications which may -be filed- the•rewith", and -shall ascertain by such <br />examination whither the electrical - installation indicated and described is <br />in accordance with the requirements of this-code:and all other pertinent laws <br />or ordinances. <br />. •- . ,, <br />Section 19. ACTION OM APPLICATION. <br />(1) If the Building Official is satisfied that the work described <br />in an application for permit and the drati•rings and specifications which may be <br />filed thereviith conform to the requirements of -this code, and other pertinent <br />la::s and ordinances, he shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant. _ <br />(2) If the application for permit and the drati•rings and specifica- <br />tions which may be filed therewith describe work which does not conform to the <br />requirements of this code or other pertinent la:,rs or ordinances, the Building <br />Official shall not issue a permit, but shall return the drawings to the appli- <br />cant :•rith his refusal to issue such a permit. Such refusal shall, when request- <br />ed,. be in writing and shall contain the reasons therefor. <br />Section 20. CONDITION OF THE PERMIT. The Building Official shall <br />act upon an application for a permit with plans as filed, or as amended, 4rith- <br />out unreasonable or unnecessary delay. A permit "issued shall be construed to <br />be a license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as authority <br />to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of this code, nor <br />shall such issuance of a permit prevent the Building Official from thereafter <br />requiring correction of errors in plans or in construction, or of violations of <br />th <br />is code. Any permit issued shall became invalid unless the;ork authorized <br />by it shall have been commenced within six (6) months after its issuance, or- if <br />the %.,ork authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of <br />one year after the time the work is commenced;' provided, that for cause, one or <br />rare extensions of time for periods not exceeding ninety (90) days each, may be <br />al"loaed in irriting"by the Building Official. <br />Section 21. SCHEDULE OF FEES. <br />(1) rlo permit shall be valid until the fe s prescribed in this section <br />sll hav^ been paid; nor shall an aa!en:;--:!nt to a permit be approved unt-il tr:e <br />::itional fees, it any, shall have b^en paid. <br />(2) If any person co.�:m-2nces any work on an electrical installation he - <br />'ore obtaining the necessary permit, he shall be subject to the penalty pro- <br />s--:-:b---d herein. <br />
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