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mow <br />...... <br />as a permanent record in the office of the Plumbing Official. <br />The applicant's approved set shall remain at all times on the <br />job. Such information on drawings and specifications shall <br />be specific, and this code shall not be cited as a whole or in <br />part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used as <br />a substitute for specific information. Drawings for each <br />application that involves the construction, installation or <br />modification of a septic tank or absorption field or well shall <br />show the location of the septic tank, absorption field and well <br />and the location of the neighboring septic tanks, absorption <br />fields or wells. " <br />(7) Schedule of Permit Fees. Section 106. 3 (a) is amended to <br />read: <br />"Plumbing Permit Fees <br />When application for permit is approved and before a <br />permit is issued, a fee therefore shall be paid based <br />on a fee schedule of rates adopted by Resolution of the <br />Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County. <br />(8) The word "County" is substituted for "Municipality" in all <br />sections where applicable and appropriate. <br />(9) Licensing and Bonding of Plumbers. <br />(a) Section 109. 1 is amended by deleting the words <br />". . . and a proper bond posted. " <br />(b) Section 109.2 Qualification of Plumbers. <br />Whosoever desires to enter the plumbing business or <br />offers plumbing services in Indian River County shall <br />be licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter <br />469, Laws of Florida. The Board of Examiners of the <br />City of Vero Beach is hereby appointed as the Indian <br />River County Board of Examiners. <br />(c) Section 109. 5 Bond Required, is hereby repealed. <br />(10) Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Sections 112 and 113 of <br />the Southern Standard Building Code are hereby adopted by reference <br />and made a part of the Plumbing Code and the Board of Adjustments <br />and Appeals appointed under the provisions of the Building Code <br />is hereby made the Board of Adjustments and appeals of the <br />Plumbing Code. <br />(11) Violations and Penalties. Section 111 is hereby amended as <br />follows: <br />"Any person, firm or corporation or agent who shall violate <br />a provision of this code or fail to comply therewith or with any <br />of the provisions thereof, or violate a detailed statement or plans <br />submitted and approved thereunder, shall be guilty of a misde- <br />meanor in the second degree. Each such person shall be deemed <br />guilty of a separate offense for, each and every day or portion thereof <br />during which any violation of any of the provisions of this code <br />is committed or continued, and upon conviction in the Court of <br />Jurisdiction for any such violation such person shall be punished <br />by a fine or imprisonment as provided by state law for- second <br />do„rcu 1-11isdt-11wanor violations. <br />