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Section 6. The Board of County Commissioners shall determine the <br />t raining and qualifications of each employee of the Indian River County Parks <br />a nd Recreation Department designated to enforce the provisions of Florida <br />Statute 403.413 (1975) if the designated employee is not a regular law en- <br />forcement officer. <br />Section 7. Violations of this Ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor <br />a nd shall be punished in accordance with the law. <br />Section 8. The Board of County Comm issioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, may petition the Circuit Court of Indian River County for injunctive <br />relief to enforce the requirements of this Ordinance. <br />Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage <br />and receipt by the Secretary of State.. <br />December 12, 1977 <br />