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Mr. Sisk confirmed that Mr. Tanksley has a problem <br />which they have trying to fix and they did adjust his bill <br />because he was out for a long time. <br />Ed Berg, a seven year resident of Shady Rest, noted <br />that several years ago when Indian River Cablevision applied <br />for an increase, he was instrumental in gathering petitions <br />opposing an increase, but it was granted and they did make <br />some cosmetic changes, although the quality of the picture <br />did not get appreciably better. Mr: Berg stated the service <br />given by Jones Intercable has not improved since last <br />summer, but, in fact, has deteriorated badly. He agreed <br />that business is entitled to a fair rate,of return, but the <br />people are not getting what they are paying for. <br />Ed Ballantine, operator of Paradise Mobile Home Park, <br />read from a letter he had written to Jones Intercable on <br />October 7th describing the number of calls he had made to <br />them since his reception was lost on September 28th and not <br />restored as of October 7th. He reported that on September <br />29th, he complained about an exposed cable lying across a <br />driveway and lawn, and nothing was done about it until he <br />finally reached a supervisor who came out and buried the <br />cable himself. Mr. Ballantine agreed that a business should <br />be entitled to a profit, but people are entitled to a <br />service also, and he believed Jones Intercable should <br />improve their service before getting an increase. <br />Hans Dorsmer pointed out that the charges for new <br />hook-ups are not being increased and asked why the regular <br />subscribers should have to absorb the cost far the new <br />hook-ups which he did not feel was fair. <br />Mr. Sisk noted that connection charges are a one-time <br />expense. They want to encourage as many people to get <br />on the cable as possible,and they do have specials to <br />attract new subscribers, but possibly they need to address <br />this factor. <br />Chairman Lyons commented that it seems there has been <br />no improvement in service, and he questioned whether <br />7 <br />BOOK 47 <br />PAGE X75 7 <br />