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Thursday, October 29, 1981 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, met in Special Session at City Hall Council <br />Chambers, 1053 20th Place, Vero Beach, Florida, on <br />Thursday, October 29, 1981, at 5:01 o'clock P.M. Present <br />were Patrick B. Lyons, Chairman; William C. Wodtke, Jr., <br />Vice Chairman; Dick Bird; Alfred Grover Fletcher; and Don C. <br />Scurlock, Jr. Also present were Neil A. Nelson, County <br />Administrator; George G. Collins, Jr., Attorney to the Board <br />of County Commissioners; Jeffrey K. Barton, Finance Officer; <br />and Virginia Hargreaves, Deputy Clerk. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested <br />the indulgence of those present so that one matter other <br />than the budget hearing could be attended to. The Chairman <br />suggested that Indian River County send the Los Angeles <br />Dodgers a vote of appreciation and congratulations on their <br />winning the World Series. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Scurlock, seconded by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously authorized the <br />preparation and adoption of Resolution 81-87A congratulating <br />the Los Angeles Dodgers on their win and for representing <br />both themselves and the county so well. <br />Said Resolution will be made a part of the Minutes when <br />completed and received. <br />Chairman Lyons explained to the public the procedure <br />that the Board must follow during these hearings in order to <br />comply with the Statutes: <br />(1) Announce the percentage by which the proposed millage <br />rate exceeds the rolled back rate. <br />(2) Explain the purpose the tax revenues are being <br />increased. <br />(3) Hear comments from the public. <br />-(4) Discuss and adopt millage prior to budgets. <br />(5) Adopt budget. <br />1 <br />L- OCT 291981 <br />Bou 47 PAGE 854 <br />