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0 C T 29 1981 Boa 4 7 PAGE � <br />The Chairman then announced that the final hearing on <br />the Budget will be held at 5:00 P.M. November 4, 1981. <br />Chairman Lyons wished to make it clear to the general <br />public that the County collects only about 320 of the total <br />taxes collected in the County; the rest is collected by <br />other taxing bodies. In addition, a resident's tax will <br />depend on their assessed valuation, and most of these <br />valuations have been changed. He informed those present <br />that if anyone has, any: -questions about their assessed ----- <br />valuation, they still have time tomorrow to file an appeal <br />with the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board. <br />Chairman Lyons introduced Finance Officer Barton and <br />requested that he first review the General Fund. <br />Finance Officer Barton explained that the General Fund <br />covers various types of services that benefit everyone no <br />matter where they live in the county, such as: <br />Legislative and Administrative <br />Financial <br />Legal Counsel <br />Comprehensive Planning <br />Law Enforcement <br />Veterans Services <br />Health <br />Libraries <br />Parks & Recreation, etc. <br />Mr. Barton stated that last year the total budget for the <br />General Fund was $7,358,000, and the percentage increase <br />that was proposed on the T.R.I.M. notice for 1980 was a <br />10.75% increase over the rollback. Rolled back millage is <br />defined by Statues as the amount of money we received last <br />year divided by the new assessments of all the property that <br />was assessed a year ago; new construction is not included. <br />Last year's millage was 2.75747 or $2.76 per thousand. The <br />millage proposed tonight is 2.65704 or $2.66 per thousand <br />dollars taxable value, which is a 9.68% increase over the <br />2 <br />