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compensation. Such authority shall exercise the functions prescribed by <br />this ordinance and general and special law with respect to the establish- <br />ment, financing, operation, maintenance, control and expansion of mass <br />transportation systems in Indian River. County. <br />(b) The authority shall operate, control and manage any and <br />all transportation and facilities acquired by the County. Administrative <br />functions pertaining to the operation of mass transportation systems may <br />be vested in a director, to carry out the policies established by the <br />authority, subject to bud. -ret limitations. <br />(c) Chairman and vice chairman. The authority shall appoint <br />a chairman from its members, and may also appoint a vice chairman from <br />its members to act as chairman in the absence or inability of the chairman. <br />Such officers shall serve at the pleasure of the authority. <br />Section 4. ADVISORY BOARD ESTABL.ISIIID. <br />(a) An Indian River County Transit Authority Advisory Board <br />is hereby created and established. The members of the advisory board <br />shall be citizens of the United States and qualified electors of Indian River <br />County with outstanding reputations for civic pride, interest, integrity, <br />responsibility and business ability. Members of the advisory board <br />shall not be interested financially in the profits or emoluments of any <br />contract, work or service for the county nor have any financial or other <br />interest in any transit system or public transportation company operating <br />in the County. Members shall not transact any business in which they <br />have a financial interest with Indian River County or any person or agency <br />acting for Indian River County. <br />(b) The advisory board shall consist of seven (7) members <br />appointed by the County Commission. Two appointees shall hold office <br />for terms of one year, two shall hold office for two years, and three <br />shall hold office for three years. J,ach member shall be eligible for <br />reappoin'me•ni and ::hall hold office until his successor is duly appoin!ed <br />and qualified /any n.en-Awr appointed to serve in lieu of any rnemhcr nr. <br />account of dc"111, rercil, (w dir;;ehility of .;uch shall <br />