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allm, MIS: <br />'r'1; A <br />I'r .... rIA 44 19 <br />%Rrv. 7•-21-67) <br />AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />B00K 48 PAGE 38 1 <br />T'llt5 Ag RI:F3:1'tT, made this ... ....... , Otli_ _ _«_... day of ...____.._..__ De�eu:b.Cx..._ _...._........__. , 14 7.2_... <br />by arid between ...the. -Indian River County hoard of County Commissioners <br />_.._ ................................. ....... _.._......__—___.._......... , hereinaftc: <br />Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc. and <br />referred to as the 07'tiER, and ...i�.indorf., a.ndssoei ates,_ Inc ��_ A JOINT VENTURE <br />hereinafter referred ;o as the EINGINFER: <br />The OWNER intends to construct a water_ supply, treatment, transmission and distribution <br />system and a sanitary se+•raoe collection, transmission, treatment and disposal ,,_�C <br />to• Indian River County, State of Florida whirl; <br />..._.._....__._.._....__.. ..-----------....__.. »_...._. <br />Pray a paid for in part with financial assistance from the United States of America, acting through the Fermers Home Ad nir,- <br />...,ration of the United States Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as FHA, pursuant to the Consolida!ed Farmer - <br />Home Administration Act of 1961 as amended (7 U. S. C. 1921 et seq.), and the ENGINEER agrees to perform the variow. <br />prpfcssianal engineering services required for the design and construction of said system; <br />WITNESSETH: <br />That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises between the parties hereto, It is hereby agreed: <br />SECTION A — ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />That the ENGINEER shall furnish basic engineering services as foIIows: <br />*I. The ENGINEER will conduct pretiminary investigations required to deteamine project feasibility. <br />*L. The ENGINEER will prepare preliminary plans and cost estimate. <br />*3. The ENGINEER will prepare an engineering report following FIFA instructions and guides. <br />. The ENGINEER will furnish ten copies of the preliminary engineering report, cost estimates, and layout maps to. <br />the OWNER. <br />S. The LNGIINELER will attend, conferences with the OWNER and representatives of the FHA and other intcres!ed parties. <br />6. After the prelinrirary engineering report has been reviewed by FHA and the Ol;'NER directs the ENGINEFR to proceed. <br />the ENGINEER v-il! prrforr, the necessary design survey's, accomplish the detailed desigi of the pro;ect, prrparr <br />detailed plans, specifications and contract documents, and make a final cost estimate based on the Tina; design fe: <br />the entire syste.:n. However, design surveys, as' used in this Section A-6, are understood to bd lirrst:d to those: <br />rryuired to perform the design and to prepare the detailed plans and specifications. L' is understood that in the design <br />and prepara•tion•of detailr:d plA,ns and specifications for such elements of water works and sewerage projects as <br />treatment nJarts, scNa6e trealmcr.t plants, dams and reservoirs, the design surveys for such eiements also shall be <br />performed by the ENGINEER but the ENGiNEER shall be additionally compensated therefor as provided in Section., <br />V and E hereof. It is also understood that if subsurface explorations such as borings, soil tees and the like are <br />required to determine ampints of rock excavation or foundation conditions, the ENGINEER will furnish supervision <br />of said expioralions without Additioi a! charge,-: but the costs incident to such explorations, no matter Khether <br />a'rc performed by the ENGiNEER or by others, shall be paid for by the OWNER as set out in Section:; D and E hereof. <br />7. Tie contract documents fu:nished by the ENGINEER under Section A-6 above shall utilize standard FHA ferns for <br />the notice to bidders, in_•tructions to bidders, proposal form, contract agrecn.ent form, general Gond:tions, <br />PH pe,fc:mance bonds. Special conditions and the notice of award and (lie notice to proceed shall also be prepare` <br />by the ENGINEER% All of these documents shall be subiect to FHA approval. <br />8. Prior to the adve,tiscmer.t for bids; the ENGiNEER for each contract will provide rot to exceed 10 copies of detai!cd <br />plans, specifications, and contract ducuments for use of tine OWNER, FNA, and the appropriate Federal, Stare, and <br />!tical agencies from v:ho z. nf.provul of the project must be obtained. The cost of not to exceed 10 copies of su^h <br />plans, ^.pecification., and r:ontract do::unents shall be included in the basic compensation pAid to the E.NGiNEEP. <br />9. The f,; �I\}iER t� ili furnish a :.'iti:mmal conics of pians, specifications and contract documents as rcnuired Lv f �o- <br />spective bidders, material suppr.lcrs, and other interested parties, but mnv charge for the actual cost of such rep'ie::. <br />Upon award of each contract, ll:c ENGINEER will furnish ;o the OWN -ER five sets c -f the plans, specifications, a <br />u"ntr.ct cocu:r., Pts for execution, the cost of these sets being ire -luded in the basic compensation paid to the <br />1•►���!NL'E: O:igi:• l documents, survcy notes, tracings, and the like, except those furnished to the L•'NGINE.EK bt <br />thn 0•; NER, arc oni sha!! remair th_ property of the FNGiNEER. <br />bhp �teG1;:EtR ,till furnish t',ese services tinder a separate agreem-,nt'. with the OW1,4El' <br />nd at nc cosi to this ecrront. <br />1. <br />FILA 442-19 (Ray. 21-67) <br />M 1W <br />