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— M M <br />10. The plans prepared by the ENGINEER under the provisions of Section A-6 above shall be in sufficient detail <br />permit the actual location of the proposed improvements on the ground. The ENGINEER a`„rll prepare, and furnish <br />the OWNER without any additional compensation, three copies of a map showing the needed construction easemer, <br />,and permanent casements, the land to be acquired, and the names of the property owners involved. Property survey <br />property plats, legal descriptions, and negotiations for land rights shall be accomplished by the OWNER, unless t' <br />OWNER requests the ENGINEER to perform these services. In the event the ENGINEER Is requested to perform su <br />services, the ENGINEER shall be additionally compensated as set out in Sections D and E hereof. <br />11. The Et;GINEEx will attend the bid opening and tabulate the bid proposals, make an analysis of the bids, and mat: <br />recommendations for awarding contracts for construction. <br />12. The ENGINEER will check and approve any necessary shop and working drawings furnished by contractors. <br />13. The ENGINEER will interpret the intent of the plans and specifications to protect the OWNER against de.`•; - <br />deficiencies in construction on the part of the contractors. The ENGINEER will not, however, guarante- <br />formance by any contractor. <br />14. The ENGINEER will provide horizontal and vertical control for all structures in the form of bench marks or <br />points to be used by the contractor in staking the construction. <br />15. The ENGINEER will provide general engineering inspection of the work of the contractors as construction progresse <br />The ENGINEER will provide detailed construction inspection as provided in Section C hereof upon the written reque <br />of OWNER and for the additional compensation set forth in said Section C. The ENGINEER does not guarantee th <br />the performance of the contractor(s) by the ENGINEER'S performance of such detailed construction inspectic <br />The ENGINEER'S undertaking hereunder shall not relieve the contractor of his obligation to perform the work i. <br />conformity with the plans and specifications and in a workman like manner; shall not make the ENGINEER ar i <br />surer of the contractor's performance; and shall not impose upon the ENGINEER any obligation to see to it that tl <br />work is performed in a safe manner. <br />16. The ENGINEER will cooperate and work closely with FIIA representatives. <br />17. The ENGINEER will review and approve estimates for progress and final payments. <br />13. The ENGINEER will make final inspection of all construction and a written certification of final inspection to ti <br />OtVNER and FILA, <br />19.'-Thc ENGINEER will provide the OWNER with one -set of rFprcducible "as -built' plans, and two sets of prints at : <br />additional cost to the OWNER. Such plans will be based upon information provided by the contractor or Oi1NF.* <br />in cases'whete resident inspection is not provided by the ENGINEER. <br />20. The ENGINEER will prepare notices and advertisement of final payments if required by state statutes. <br />2I. The ENGINEER will be available to furnish engineering service and consultations necessary to correct all unfor! <br />seen project operating difficulties for a period of one year af�cr the date of final inspection and acceptance of ih <br />facility by the OWNER and FILA. This servicS,will include instruction of the OWNER in initiza project operzCir <br />and maintenance but will not include supervision of normal operation of the system. Such consultation. and advic <br />shall be furnished without additional charge except for travel and subsistence costs as provided in Sectio. r here( <br />22. The ENGINEER further agrees to obtain and maintain at the ENGINEER'S expense, such insurance as will prote <br />him and tl:e OWNER from claims under the Workman's Compensation Act and from all claims for bodily injury. dent: <br />or property damage which may arise from the negligent performance by the ENGINEER or by the ENGINEM <br />employees of the ENGINEER'S functions and services required under this Agreement. <br />SECTION B — CO`,1PENSATION FOR BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />That the OWNER shall compensate the ENGINEER for basic engineering services based on percentages of the Tet <br />Actual Construction Costs shown in Table 1 and Table 11 set forth in Attachment I which is attached hereto and made <br />part hereof.. The percentage factors applicable shall be those figures adjacent to the Total Actual Construction Cos <br />column. The appropriate percentage factor shown in Table Il shall be applicable to all compensation computations exce; <br />those with respect to the following items; <br />Water sugyp1........_..1 treatment s a e n m <br />.____........ _..... -...................qr....s........d...pu.,pl.rl9..f. <br />--sewerage faciI ities_.._....___..___.._.._.._.._.._.._..___......__...._...._______.._..____..___._..---------•-----.._.._..__-- <br />to which items the percentage factor shown in Table I shall apply; provided, however, if the total actual construction co:: <br />is less than the lowest total actual construction cost figure shown on Attachment 1, the OWNER agrees to pay the ENGINEE. <br />a total tee of ...____...... Hine thousand .& no/100 /100-c-___-_-�� - Dollars (S ...�.>000.,.Q�............... ? <br />_. _. ....... ..._........_......... - <br />The construction costs on which the compensation for r:is:c engineering services is determined shall exclude legal fee. <br />administrative costs, engineering fees, land rights acquisition costs, water costs, and interest expense incurred during th <br />construction period. The compensation for basic engineering services shall be payable as follows: <br />40 <br />BOOK 48 PAGE 39 <br />
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