r N O V 4 1961
<br />BOOK 48 PAGE
<br />1. The sum of ..._-..__...I14i1�.:............................._......-_............__...._.........._. Dollars (S ...-.� .Q17........._... ---
<br />after the review of the preliminary engineering report by the FHA and acceptance by the O'n'NER.
<br />2.: A sum which together with the specific sum set forth in Section B-1 above equals seventy percent (7010) of the tat.-
<br />compensation
<br />at.compensation based on the final cost estimate after completion and submission of the final plans, specification:
<br />cost estimates, and contract documents, and the acceptance of the same by the OWNER and FHA
<br />3.. A sum equal to ten percent (10 a) of the total compensation based on construction contract costs immediately aft
<br />The construction contracts arc awarded.
<br />A. A sum equal to twenty percent (20,,;) of the total compensation based on the actual construction cost will be paid
<br />a periodic basis during the construction period on percentage ratios identical to those approved by the ENGINEk.
<br />as a basis upon which to make partial payments to the contractor(s). }lowever, final payment under this paragra;
<br />and of such additional sums as are due the ENGINEER by reason of any necessary adjustments in the payment co
<br />putations will be in an amount so that the au,,egate of all sums paid to the ENGINEER will equal one hundred perce.
<br />(10010) of the basic compensation determined on actual total construction costs. Final payment shall not be mac
<br />until it is determined that all services required by this Agreement have been completed except for the services n
<br />forth in Section A-21 hereof. If the total actuz?+construction cost is less than the lowest total actual construct::
<br />cost figure shown on Attachment I and the fee to be paid to, the ENGINEER is a specific amount as set forth abo•.
<br />the percentage payments due the ENGINEER under Section B-2 thru 4, inclusive, shall be computed by applyi
<br />the applicable percentage to the specified total fee.
<br />If the OWNER requests in writing the ENGINErR will provide detailed, full-time, resident, construction inspectict
<br />including construction staking, and the OWNER agrees to pay the ENGINEER for such service in accordance with the -,chcdu!
<br />set out in Section F hereof. The ENGINEER will render to OWNER for such services an itemized bill, separate from ar.
<br />other billing, at the end of each month for compensation for such services performed hereunder during such month, the sam
<br />!o b,� dire and payable by OWNER to the ENGINEER on or before the 10th da;: of the following month.
<br />SECTION U - AUUt11UNAL tNumttKttru 3rt%vt%_La
<br />In addition Co the foregoing services, the following services may be required upon written authorization of the OWNED
<br />and approval of the FHA:
<br />1. Site surveys for water treatment plants, sewage treatment works, dams and reservoirs.
<br />2. Laboratory tests, well tests, borings, specialized geological, hydraulic, or other studies recommended by thr
<br />3. Property surveys, descriptions of needed land and easement rights and maps, plans, or estimates related there
<br />assistance in negotiating for la,td and easement rights.
<br />4. Necessary data and filing maps for water rights, water adjudication, and litigation.
<br />S. Redesigns ordered by the OWNER after final plans have been accepted by the OWNER and FNA.
<br />6. Appearances before courts or boards on matters of litigation related to the project.
<br />7. Where a project involves design and construction of a lagoon, an adjustment in basic compensation amounting t,
<br />$
<br />..... _..l?Qn .................... per site acre shall be added to basic compensation set forth in Section B.
<br />0
<br />Payment for the services specified in this Section a shall be in accordance with the schedule set out in Section E hereoi
<br />The MGINEER w•iIl render to OWNER for such services an. itemized bill, separate from any other billing, at the end o°
<br />each month for compensation for services performed hereunder during such month, the same to be due and payable by OWNF.ii-.
<br />to the EN'_-INEEF on or before the 10th day of the following month.
<br />I'I:RSnNNFL
<br />°' RATE PI -P HOUR
<br />SL%RVF:Y
<br />Fout-,:inn party
<br />S 28.Q,�
<br />Three-man party
<br />S 25.00
<br />Two-man party
<br />S . 23.00
<br />ConF.truclinn Inspection
<br />Resident Engineer
<br />$ 20,00
<br />Resident Inspector
<br />S 17.00
<br />rncitit•k•ring and Genual Supervisor
<br />Principal or Officer of Firm
<br />30.00
<br />$u
<br />Project Fr.Eineer
<br />$
<br />Field or Design Engineer
<br />07 UU_
<br />S �T
<br />F icld or Office A sistant
<br />S .07J—
<br />20.00
<br />band Surveyor$
<br />1. Trnvel Iron office at S ...1]? ............ per mile, or at actual out-of-pocket cost, plus time at above rates for both ways.
<br />2. Actual cost of subsistence and lodging.
<br />3. Actual cost of long-distance telephone calls-. telegrams, express charges, and postage other than ordinary first-class.
<br />4. Actual cost.of materials required for the job and used in surveying, drafting, and allied activities, ir.cieding prir.ti^,•
<br />;wd rer.todurt!ori costs.
<br />S. Actual cora of special tests snd services of special consultants, as referred to in Section D of this aErear.ent.
<br />_ -4.
<br />