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ORDINANCE NO. 89 - <br />Section 211-3. Rules of construction. <br />The requirements of this chapter are intended to <br />complement regulations of the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency set_out_as_44_CFR_60_3(d)(e)___the_National_ Flood <br />Insurance Program Regulations, and are intended to <br />complement regulations of the Florida Department of <br />Environmental Regulation including but not limited to those <br />faund---i r} F -I ori -da Admi n-i-s-tra--i vet Code-, Chapte-r 17-2a, <br />Regulation of Stormwater Discharge, Chapter 17-3, and <br />Chapter 17-4, and the Stormwater Rules of the St. Johns <br />River Water Management District, all as adopted or as may be <br />amended from time to time. A FAC Chapter 17-12 Dredge and <br />Fill Permit may be required. Approval of a stormwater <br />management system under this chapter shall not relieve any <br />applicant of the necessity to obtain required permits or <br />approvals from other state, regional, or local agencies, <br />including specifically, but not limited to, observance of <br />DER permitting requirements for use of the "landward extent <br />of waters of the state," as that term is defined by Florida <br />Administrative Code, Section 17-4.02(17). In the event of a <br />on f-Irt-c-t b e-tween t h Fs c -ha p to r and—arty othe r law�r <br />regulation, this chapter shall be interpreted to avoid the <br />conflict when possible. If there is an irreconcilable <br />conflict, the agency rule shall prevail. If this df tUO <br />chapter is more restrictive, the provisions hereunder shall <br />prevail and no conflict will be considered to exist. <br />SECTION 2 <br />A new Section 211-16 is hereby adopted, as <br />follows: <br />Section 2112-16, SpecialFederal Emergency <br />Management___Agency___ National Flood___ Insurance ... Program <br />Regulations. <br />(a)Purpose _and _Intent__ Thissection _is_adopted <br />t-o---i+npl-ementthe National- Flood Insu-r-a-nc-e Program <br />CODING: Words in WHR ItVIY'OOV type are deletions from <br />existing law; words underlined are additions. <br />smeadsoft Reprint Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 11:17:39 - OfficialDocuments:693, Attachment Id 0, Page 2 <br />