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ORDINANCE NO. 89- 25 <br />SECTION 2. CHANGING EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT TO <br />WASTE GENERATION UNIT <br />Ordinances Nos. 87-67 and 88-32 are amended by <br />changing all references to the terms "Equivalent Resident <br />Unit" or "ERU" to the terms "Waste Generation Unit" or <br />"WGU." <br />SECTION 3. DELETING DEFINITION OF ERU AND INSERTING <br />DEFINITION_ OF WGU <br />Se-ct-ion—"efi-n-it-i vns'Li-s—hereby amended- by del -e# i -ng- <br />the following definition: <br />"'Equivalent_ Residential Unit (ERU)' shall mean the <br />basis for measuring the solid waste generated. One ERU is <br />based on a single-family equivalent residential unit of 1.3 <br />tons of solid waste per year as the basic unit of service." <br />and by inserting in its place the following definition: <br />"'Waste Generation Unit (WGU)' shall mean the basis for <br />measuring the solid waste generated. One WGU shall be <br />equivalent to a waste generation rate of 1.0 ton per year." <br />SECTION _4.EFFECTIVE DATE <br />This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt from <br />the Secretary of State of the State of Florida of official <br />acknowledgment—that tfri—s ordinance has—been—F7led—wM—the-- <br />Department of State. <br />Approved and adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, on this 12th <br />rlav of September 1989. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Vero Beach Press <br />Journal on the 30th day of August 1989, for a <br />public hearing to be held on the 12th__ day of _September__ <br />1989, at which time it was moved for adoption by <br />Commissioner Bowman seconded by Commissioner <br />Eggert and adopted by the following vote: <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 - 12:04:06 - OfficialDocuments:706, Attachment Id 0, Page 2 <br />