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TO: Board of County COlilniissloners <br />FROM: Neil A. Nelson <br />County Administrator <br />DATE: December 22, 1981 FILE: <br />SUBJECT: Bid Recom;nendations - IRC ''108 <br />REFERENCES- <br />!. A public meeting was held at 11:00 A.M., Deceriiber 22, 1981 in the County Adininistrator's <br />Office, 2345 14th Ave., Vero Beach, F1. This meeting was advertised in the Vero Beach <br />Pi-ess Journal on November 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 & 2G, 1981. The purpose of this meeting <br />was to open and record the following'bid: <br />IRC ;;108 - (1) 1982 3/4 Ton Truck Cab & Chassis <br />2. 15 Bic', Proposals were sent out, 6 were received (2 were no bids) <br />Velde Ford $10,256.56 <br />Ft. Pierce Dodge 9,128.06 <br />Southside Ford 10,128.24 <br />Dependable Dodge 9,892.81 <br />All bidders met minimuni specifications. <br />3. The Bid Con:mi ttee reconnliends this bid be awarded to the low bidder, 'Ft- Pierce Dodge. <br />There is $16,700.00 budgeted for 2 trucks. The second truck is for a 1/2 Ton pick-up, <br />bid to be opened Jan. 5, 1982. <br />Account "102-220-519-66-42 <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Lyons, seconded by <br />Commissioner Fletcher, that this truck be rebid on the basis <br />of 6 cylinders. <br />Discussion followed, and it was determined that <br />both the 3/4 ton truck and the 1/2 ton truck be studied <br />further regarding 6 cylinder vs 8 cylinder, as well as what <br />the fuel rating would be on the different vehicles. This <br />item would have to be brought back to the Board for further <br />consideration. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was <br />voted on and carried with a vote of 4 to 1, with <br />Commissioner Bird voting in opposition. <br />JAN 2 0198 44 BOOK 48 PAGE598 <br />