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JAN 2 0 19wK 48 Pa,F 603 <br />Mr. Clark then described the water provision <br />concept on the North Barrier Island to the Board. He <br />advised that there were six major property owners involved, <br />and the funding for Phase One of this project would be borne <br />by those developers. He continued that future connections <br />to the water system would be funded by those developers who <br />would require connections. Mr. Clark felt that through <br />their plan, they could provide the County with a very <br />innovative system in the area of water conservation. <br />Chairman Scurlock remarked that the meeting held <br />last week with the developers for the North Barrier Island <br />was quite productive. He pointed out that this would not be <br />a tax supported concept, but there were some fine details <br />that would have to be worked out, such as eventual take-over <br />by the County. <br />Commissioner Fletcher inquired if all the <br />necessary water permits were now in hand for the Phase One <br />development. <br />Mr. Clark responded that Florida Land Company has <br />a permit for gallons in excess of 700,000, which would be <br />provided to the new entity in order to move forward. <br />Michael Neijna, Consulting Engineer for Sea Oaks, <br />pointed out the consumptive use permit that Florida Land <br />Company now has is sufficient for the first phase. He added <br />that once the organization of this concept is completed, <br />then the permits would relate to the entire service area. <br />Mr. Neijna reported that their plans would be submitted to <br />the County Utility Department and the Department of <br />Environmental Regulation; they would receive a permit from <br />the Environmental Protection Agency, and would be working <br />with the County Health Department. He pointed out that some <br />of the water would be reused for irrigation, therefore, <br />decreasing their requirements for potable water. <br />H <br />