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Lengthy discussion followed. <br />Mr. Clark interjected that they are proposing to <br />incorporate a two-tiered system that would encourage the use <br />of systems that have already been designed. He continued <br />that it was not their intention to provide treatment for <br />irrigation water; they anticipate having separate irrigation <br />and potable water in all developments. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that there should be a <br />take-over provision that is fair and equitable to all <br />involved. <br />Mr. Clark commented that they did not want to <br />centralize a sewer system; they had anticipated separate <br />franchises for sewerage, and are now having discussions with <br />the developers who share common property lines. <br />Mr. Neijna stated that it was essential to have <br />operating rules and that regulations be made so the <br />participants can provide for their own sewerage system. He <br />advised that Mr. Nutt was included in this venture. <br />Discussion continued regarding sewer and <br />irrigation systems. <br />1. Commissioner Wodtke inquired if water would be <br />made available in Phase One to the County Park. <br />Mr. Clark stated there would be no problem in <br />putting that provision in Phase One. <br />Commissioner Fletcher commented that it was <br />inevitable that this water system would have to go to <br />reverse osmosis. He felt there was an alternative to having <br />franchises; when people purchase their home, they should be <br />assuming the responsibilities of where they put their waste. <br />Commissioner Wodtke discussed the rate structure <br />and improvements that would have to be made in the future. <br />Mr. Clark commented that the only equitable way to <br />recover initial expenses would be to float a bond and have <br />the future users pay their share. <br />JAN2 0 1997. 50 BOO 48 PAGP 604 <br />