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The Board of County Commissioners thereupon recessed at <br />12:00 Noon for lunch and reconvened at 1:30o'clock P.M. with <br />the same members present. <br />REZONING GRIFFITH PROPERTY C-1 to R-1 <br />The hour of 1:30 o'clock P.M. having passed, the Deputy <br />Clerk read the following Notice with Proof of Publication <br />attached, to -wit: <br />VERO BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />Published Weekly <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath <br />says that he is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weekly newspaper published <br />at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being <br />a <br />in the matter of L/S <br />in the Court, was pub - <br />fished in said newspaper in the issues of !/ QC , 31, / ILL 211V .3, // <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, and that the said newspaper has heretofore <br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, weekly and has been entered <br />as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida <br />for a period of one year next preceeding the first publication of the attached copy of adver- <br />tisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or <br />corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- <br />tisement for publication in the said newspaper. <br />Sworn to and subscribed before Aie this =1 day of J 6rH A. D. % <br />( usiness Manager) <br />- <br />(Clerk of the Circuit Cour ndian River County, Florida) <br />(SEAL) <br />NOTICE <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board <br />of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, is reviewing the feasibility of <br />making the following changes and additions to <br />the Zoning Ordinance of Indian River County, <br />Florida, which changes and additions are <br />substantially as follows: <br />1. That the Zoning Map be changed in order <br />that the following described property situated <br />in Indian River County, to -wit: <br />'Parcel 1, Beginning at the Northeast corner <br />of Lot 6, KARR SUBDIVISION as recorded in - <br />Plat Book 7, Page 87, Indian River County <br />Records, run East along the North line of Lot 7, <br />a distance of 11.5'; thence South parallel to the <br />east line of Lot 6 to the point of Intersection <br />With the South line of Lot 7; thence Nor- <br />thwesterly along the South line of Lot 7 to the <br />Southwest corner of Lot 7; thence North alc:fg <br />the West line of Lot 7 to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 2, Beginning at the Southwest corner <br />of Lot 8, KARR SUBDIVISION, run Easton the <br />'North line of Lot 10 a distance of 40'; thence <br />South parallel to the West line of Lot 10 to the <br />South line of Lot 10; thence West on the South <br />'line to the Southwest corner of Lot to; thence <br />North on the West line of Lot 10 to the point of <br />beginning. Said land lying and being in Indian <br />River County, Florida. <br />Be rezoned from C.1 Commercial District to <br />R-1 Single Family Residential District. <br />A public hearing in relation thereto at which <br />.parties in interest and citizens shall have an <br />opportunity to be heard, will be held by said <br />Board of County Commissioners in the County <br />-Commission's Chambers of the County Ad - <br />'ministration Building located at 1840 25th <br />,Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, <br />January 20, 1982, at 1:30 P.M. <br />If any person decides to appeal any decision <br />,made on the above matter, he will need a <br />°record of the proceedings, and for such pur- <br />poses, he may need to insure that a verbatim <br />,record of the proceedings is made, which in- <br />cludes testimony and evidence upon which the <br />;appeal is based. <br />Indian River County <br />Board of County Commissioners <br />By: Patrick B. Lyons, Chairman <br />Dec. 31, 1981; Jan. 3,1982. <br />Planner Dennis Ragsdale made the presentation as per <br />the following memo: <br />JAN 201982 <br />52 <br />Aoox 8 Fri F60fi <br />