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JAN 27198 roux -48 Face654 <br />Discussion followed on the parking problem at the <br />Courthouse. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested that the staff look into <br />this situation and come up with a list of parking spaces <br />available in the vicinity of the Courthouse. <br />The possibility of making this part of the Architect's <br />job came up, but it was felt that would increase the cost <br />and that staff can handle this problem. <br />ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Attorney Brandenburg wished to add two items - one <br />dealing with an ambiguity re one of the appointments in the <br />Resolution setting up the Emergency Medical. Services <br />Advisory Committee and the second in regard to an updated <br />Letter of Commitment from First State Bank of Miami on the <br />Rampmaster Industrial Development Bond Issue. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Fletcher, the Board unanimously added the two <br />emergency items to today's Agenda as requested by Attorney <br />Brandenburg. <br />BENT PINES REPLAT <br />Attorney Brandenburg confirmed that notice of this <br />replat has been properly advertised, as follows: <br />N <br />