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APR 7 1982 <br />ir..OWr U�= <br />On Motion by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Fletcher, Chairman Scurlock voting in opposi- <br />tion, the Board by a 4 to 1 vote agreed to accept the WGYL <br />proposal for lease of the County property as recommended by <br />staff with the agreement that antenna space may be <br />negotiated on the tower for use of the Sheriff or Ambulance <br />Squad not to exceed $1.00 a year and with provisions <br />regarding a hold harmless clause and co-insurance. <br />Mr. Hubbard asked if they could just give space for one <br />0 <br />or the other - the Sheriff or the Ambulance Squad. <br />Commissioner Wodtke believed that the Motion meant just <br />one space for emergency services, not two. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he would be willing -to <br />amend his Motion to state that one space should be provided <br />at $1.00 a year and a second space, if necessary, negotiated <br />up to $100 a month. <br />Mr. Hubbard stated that WGYL could make arrangements to <br />abandon the existing tower and would agree to terminate the <br />lease prematurely. He noted that they pay no fee for the <br />existing tower, and they do not maintain it; they built it <br />and gave it to the county. <br />In further discussion, it was noted that we have had a <br />very good relationship with WGYL over the years and do not <br />want anyone to feel they are being pushed into a corner. <br />Attorney Brandenburg stated that, if they wished, the <br />Commission could move to reconsider the already adopted <br />Motion. <br />On notion by Commissioner Lyons, seconded by <br />Commissioner Wodtke, the Board unanimously agreed to <br />reconsider the Motion previously adopted. <br />Motion was amended by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Fletcher, to accept the staff recommendation <br />regarding lease of County property by WGYL, except for B-1, <br />with the agreement that one space on the antenna would be <br />38 <br />