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reserved for emergency services at $1.00 a year and a second <br />space, if necessary, negotiated not to exceed $100 per <br />month; also, a provision for a hold harmless clause in the <br />agreement and co-insurance would be added. . <br />Commissioner Wodtke felt it is understood this space <br />would only be used for the Sheriff or an emergency type of <br />operation. He hoped we never have to use it and hopefully <br />when we go into a new Jail, this agreement could be <br />abandoned. <br />Discussion followed on having the agreement state that <br />it is subject to revision when the County feels it has <br />permanent facilities and the lessee would have the oppor- <br />tunity to come back before the Commission for consideration <br />of the relinquishing of the reservAtion. Mr. Hubbard <br />appreciated this idea. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on <br />and carried by a unanimous vote. <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ROSE HAVEN SUBDIVISION <br />The Board reviewed the following memo: <br />a <br />39 <br />APR 7 1982 MOK .11 .49 P .366 <br />