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APR 141982 1 �fifi <br />�K �� ���� <br />Commissioner Lyons stated that Intergovernmental <br />Coordinator Thomas was charged with running the organization <br />and doing it in the most economical manner; he thought that <br />the Board should go ahead with this request. <br />Assistant Administrator Greene noted that the system is <br />growing more rapidly and they are asking for additional <br />staff to fill the various needs. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that Mr. Greene's assessment <br />was correct and Alternate 2 was the best approach. It would <br />not give -them everything they needed but would help meet the <br />crisis, he noted. <br />Commissioner Fletcher referred to the chart listing the <br />"Environmental Services Department" and felt that name was <br />hiding.what was really going on. He stated that we should <br />respect the language and not get caught up in a word game. <br />Mr. Greene explained the rationale behind the name was <br />to properly control the water, sewer, and the landfill <br />operation. <br />Commissioner Lyons stated that he did not want the <br />_. department called "Environmental Services Department" <br />either. <br />Commissioner Bird. suggested using the name "Utility <br />Services." <br />Discussion ensued about finding the proper name for the <br />department in charge of the landfill and utilities. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lyons, that the Board change "Environmental <br />Services Department" to "Utility Services Department," and <br />to6accept the Assistant Administrator's recommendation of <br />Alternate 2. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on <br />and carried with a vote of 4 to 1, with Commissioner <br />Fletcher voting in opposition. <br />