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M <br />Scurlock felt the ratio is about 2/3 to 1/3. Mr. Nason <br />reported that the projected revenue for the County is <br />$180,000 and $147,000 for the City; it was noted that <br />although there is more activity in the County, there are <br />bigger and more costly projects in the City. Mr. Nason <br />agreed that the City is built up to about the 80% level. <br />The Board continued to review the many factors involved <br />that need to be addressed before making any transfer, and <br />Mr. Nason emphasized the need to address this jointly and <br />also the need for a further costs analysis re equipment and <br />time involved, etc. <br />Chairman Scurlock agreed there would be a question <br />about work in progress as well as many other items. He <br />pointed out that this take-over has been proposed for quite <br />a few years and believed it is time to seta time schedule <br />and do something specific. <br />Reference was made to the letter sent to the City in <br />February stating that the County would take over the <br />Building Department on October 1, 1982, and Chairman <br />Scurlock believed such letters should not be sent out <br />without the specifics being worked out first. He noted that <br />we have never received.a formal response from the City <br />indicating what they will or will not do. <br />Questions arose as to coordination between the <br />Building, Planning and Zoning Departments. Commissioner <br />Wodtke stated that he was firmly committed to the belief <br />that we need to have a County Building Department tied in <br />with our Planning & Zoning Departments as soon as <br />economically feasible and'that we also need a satellite <br />facility In the North County area, but he felt a lot more <br />needs to be done to work this all out. <br />Commissioner Lyons did not feel we need to settle all <br />the various. <br />problems now, but that <br />the main issue <br />is <br />to get <br />MAY 26:98 <br />33 <br />_. <br />