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Commissioner Bird commented that in regard to an <br />appointment from the Vero Beach City Recreation Committee, <br />he understood from Terry Goff that it will be Gary Scheidt. <br />The Progressive League is going to name someone to replace <br />Larry Staley, but until they do, he will continue to serve. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lyons, to reappoint to the Parks & Recreation <br />Committee those named in the above memo dated May 11, 1982. <br />Commissioner Fletcher commented that he had been <br />approached by people who wished to know how they could <br />become part of the North Indian River County Recreation <br />Committee,and he wished to know if this is a separate <br />organization or a County -formed board. <br />In discussion, it was noted that it started out as the <br />Wabasso Improvement Committee and now has evolved into North <br />Indian River County Recreation, Inc. Further discussion <br />ensued as to whether this possibly should become part of the <br />official County Recreation Committee. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on <br />and carried 4 to 0, Commissioner Wodtke being absent. <br />UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />(A) Gifford Park Restroom <br />Commissioner Bird reported that they are in the process <br />of obtaining the building permit for construction of <br />restrooms at Gifford Park. <br />In regard to Larry Staley who supervises the recreation <br />activities at Gifford Park, Commissioner Bird reported that <br />the Progressive League has come up with $1,500 for their <br />share of the match for his salary. He continued that we did <br />not have Mr. Staley funded for the summer, and after <br />discussing this with the School -Board, that Board agreed <br />that Mr. Staley would be hired as an instructor under the <br />School's summer recreation program and continue his <br />activities at Gifford Park in cooperation with the summer <br />MAY2 6 19$2 -PAR $ 4 <br />47 <br />