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streets, roofs, sidewalks, parking lots and other similar <br />structures. <br />Legal Positive Outfall - Is the availability of a <br />permanent and legally established water course or similar facility <br />or means which has the hydraulic capability of conveying the <br />stormwater discharge from a development project to receiving <br />waters downstream. "Legally established water course" refers to a <br />water course which is established by either an express easement, <br />plat dedication, or other documentation, or implied easement or <br />servitude as may be demonstrated to exist in accordance with <br />Florida Law. <br />Lot - A lawful building site. Such building site may <br />consist of all, portions or combinations of land parcels described <br />by metes and bounds, quarter section descriptions, lots shown on a <br />subdivision plat, or any other legally described building site, <br />Lowest Floor - The top surface of the lowest area within <br />the inside perimeter of the exterior walls of a building. For <br />slab -on -grade type buildings or buildings with basements the top <br />surface of the slab or basement floor would constitute the lowest <br />floor. For footing, foundation walls, or pile type buildings with <br />crawl spaces under the building without basements, the top surface <br />of the finished flooring above the horizontal joist, beam or other <br />supporting member would constitute the lowest floor. <br />Maintain or Maintenance - To keep in an acceptable state <br />of performance and repair and, when referring to the height of <br />grasses in a stormwater management tract or facility, means to <br />keep at a height of twelve (12") inches or less above the ground. <br />Mangrove Stand - An assemblage of one or more of the <br />following species: Black Mangrove (Avicennia nitida); Red <br />Mangrove (Rhi?ephora mangle); (shite Mangrove (L•anguncularia <br />racemose); and Buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). <br />Master Stormwater Management Plan or Master Plan - An <br />engineering plan, written report, or engineering drawing outlining <br />the primary and secondary drainage and stormwater treatment <br />facilities needed for the proper development of a specific <br />increment of the unincorporated area of Indian River County. <br />-5 <br />