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i <br />ORDINANCE NO. 91-4.8 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING <br />THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT <br />REGULATIONS (LDRS): CHAPTER 901, DEFINITIONS; CHAPTER <br />910, CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM; CHAPTER 911, ZONING; <br />CHAPTER 9 1Z SINGLE—FAMI-L'-DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER 913, <br />SUBDIVISIONS AND PLATS; CHAPTER 914, SITE PLAN REVIEW AND <br />APPROVAL PROCEDURES; CHAPTER 926, LANDSCAPE AND BUFFER <br />REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 927, TREE PROTECTION AND LAND <br />CLEARING; CHAPTER 929, UPLAND HABITAT PROTECTION; CHAPTER <br />930, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND FLOOD PROTECTION; CHAPTER <br />931, WELLFIELD AND AQUIFER PROTECTION; CHAPTER 932, <br />COASTAL MANAGEMENT; CHAPTER 934, EXCAVATION AND MINING; <br />CHAPTER 952, TRAFFIC; CHAPTER 954, OFF-STREET PARKING; <br />CHAPTER -971, REGULATIONS FOR -SPECIFIC -LAND -USE -CRITERIA; <br />AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, <br />CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Be it ordained by the Board of County commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida that: <br />Section 1: The definition of "Essential Services" is hereby added <br />to Section 901.03 of Definitions and is hereby establi—shed to read <br />as follows: <br />Essential Services - The erection, construction, alteration or <br />maintenance, by utilities providers, emergency services, or <br />municipal or other governmental agencies, of plant sites and <br />related facilities, underqround or overhead gas, electrical, steam <br />or water transmission or alstr1DULlon Sy5Lem5, 1M;.LUUl11y Ytrlca, <br />Doxes, pollce Call Doxes, LralLlc 51g11d1a, nyulal a" v w,ci <br />similar equipment and accessories or buildings liousinq such <br />equipment, in connection therewith; reasonably necessary for the <br />furnishing of adequate service by such utilities providers or <br />municipal or other qovernmental agencies. <br />Section 2: The definition of "Farm or Farmland is hereby amended in <br />Section 901.0-3 of the Definitions chapter a -the land development <br />regulations to read as follows: <br />Farm or Farmland - A parcel of land . • - , in <br />one ownership, that is used primarily for the commercial, soil <br />dependent cultivation of agricultural crop production and/or for <br />the raising of livestock. The term "one ownership" shall include <br />an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, <br />partnership, -association-,or-two or -more -persons having -a joint or <br />common interest in the land. <br />Section 3: Section 901.03 of Definition is hereby amended to read <br />as follows: <br />Live -aboard vessels - Buoyant vessels with no operative means of <br />propulsion inhabited thirty (30) consecutive days or more shall be <br />defined as live -aboard vessels. Motorized buoyant vessels <br />inhabited for greater than --seven (7) consecutive -days shall be <br />considered live -aboard vessels. <br />A Derson shall be deemed to be inhabitinq or livinq upon a vessel <br />during a given day if he or she is present aboard a docked or <br />moored vessel for a continuous period of more than two (2) hours <br />between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. during that day. A <br />reaistered commercial fishinq boat is expressly excluded from the <br />term "live -aboard vessels". <br />Coding: Words in M119TAT-TaTeM type are deletions from existing law. <br />Words underlined are additions. <br />SmeadSoft Reprint Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 - 12:40:16 - OfficialDocuments:646, Attachment Id 0, Page 1 <br />