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r <br />SEC. 25 con't "! <br />(B) ENCROACHMENTS INTO REQUIRED YARDS. <br />(1) Every part of a required yard or court shall be open <br />from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed, except <br />for the ordinary projection of sills, belt courses, <br />cornices, buttresses, ornamental features and eaves; <br />provided, however, that none of the above projections <br />shall project into a minimum front yard more than six <br />(6) inches nor into a minimum side yard more than twenty- <br />four (24) inches. Residential roof overhangs may ex- <br />tend forty-eight (48) inches into required yard areas <br />(2) Horticultural growth poles, play equipment, wires, lights, <br />mailboxes, ornamental entry columns and gates, and out- <br />door furniture are not considered yard encroachments <br />(3) Docks and other permitted water front accessory struct- <br />ures are not considered yard encroachments <br />(4) Open or enclosed fire escapes, outside stairways and bal- <br />conies projecting into a minimum yard or court not more <br />than three and one-half (3 1/2) feet and the ordinary <br />projections of chimneys and flues may be permitted by <br />the building official where same are so placed and are <br />not to obstruct light and ventilation <br />(5) More than one multiple dwelling may be located upon a <br />lot, provided that the horizontal open space between <br />such buildings measured at the closest point shall be <br />as specified for the district in which it is located <br />and where it is not specified then it shall be not less <br />than twice the side yard required in the district in <br />which such uses are located <br />(C)' - LOTS <br />(1) Any lot of record at the time of the adoption of this <br />ordinance which contains less lot area or width than <br />- required in the district in which it is located may be <br />used for a use permitted in such district. This provi- <br />sion shall not be construed to permit more than one <br />dwelling unit on a lot with less lot area per family <br />than required for the district in which such lot is <br />located. <br />(D) FRONT YARDS. <br />(1) The front yard regulations shall apply to both streets <br />on through lots or double frontage lots <br />(2) There shall be a front yard on each street side of a <br />corner lot, provided, however, that the buildable width <br />of such lot shall not be reduced to less than thirty <br />(30) feet; provided further, that no accessory build- <br />ing on a corner lot shall project beyond the front yard <br />line on either street <br />(3) An open unenclosed and uncovered porch or paved terrace <br />may project into the front yard for a distance of not <br />more than ten (10) feet <br />(4) Gasoline fillinq station pump and pump islands may be <br />located within a front yard, provided they are not less <br />than fifteen (15) feet from any street line <br />(E) REAR YARD. <br />(1) When a lot abuts an alley, one-half (1/2) of the alley <br />may be considered as part of the required yard. <br />(2) When a residential lot abuts a natural or man-made <br />waterway, except as in a R -2W District, the setback <br />from the water or bulkhead line shall be the same as <br />required in a front yard. <br />(F) SANITARY FACILITIES. <br />Whenever a lot is not served by an approved sanitary sewer, <br />there must be provided such open space as required by the <br />County Board of Health for a septic tank and drainage field <br />to serve the uses erected on such lot. Such sanitary in- <br />-38- <br />