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717 SEC. 24 completed SE -77'i <br />(II) LOCATION OF PARKING. <br />(1) Parking spaces for all dwellings shall be located on <br />the same lot or on an adjoining lot to the main build- <br />ing being served <br />(2) Parking spaces for otherises shall be provided on the <br />same lot or not more than five hundred (500) feet dis- <br />tant as measured along the nearest pedestrian walkway <br />(3) Parking requirements for two or more uses of the same <br />or different types, may be satisfied by the allocation <br />of the required number of spaces for each use in a <br />common parking facility <br />(C) ENTRYS, EXITS, DRIVES AND VEHICLE MANEUVERING AREAS. <br />(1) All uses which are required to provide three or more <br />off-street parking spaces shall have entry and exit ways <br />and drives at least 18 feet in width to accommodate two- <br />way traffic unless a one-way traffic system is utilized, <br />in which case entry and exit ways and drives shall be <br />at least 9 feet in width. In the event a one-way traff- <br />system is utilized, appropriate traffic direction mark- <br />ers shall be installed. Drives and maneuvering areas <br />shall be designed to permit convenient maneuvering of <br />cars and service vehicles into and out of each parking <br />and loading space, and shall be so arranged that no <br />vehicle need back onto a public right-of-way. No occu- <br />pied parking or loading space shall interfere with access <br />to any other parking or loading space, or with any pedes- <br />trian walkway. <br />(D) OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS. <br />The following spaces shall be provided for the uses indicated. <br />(1) Every hospital., institution, hotel, commercial or indust- <br />rial building or similar use having a floor area in ex- <br />cess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet requiring the <br />receipt or distribution by vehicle of materials and mer- <br />chandise , shall have at least one permanently maintained <br />off-street loading space for each five thousand (5,000) <br />square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof. <br />(2) Retail operations, wholesale operations and industrial <br />operations with a gross floor area of less than ten <br />thousand (10,000) square feet, shall provide sufficient <br />space so as not to hinder the free movements of vehicles <br />and pedestrians over a sidewalk, street or alley. <br />(3) Each space shall have direct access to an alley or street <br />and shall have the following minimum dimensions: Length, <br />twenty-five (25) feet; width, twelve (12) feet; height, <br />fourteen (14) feet. <br />(E) PERMANENT RESERVATIONS. <br />Area reserved for off-street parking or loading in accordance <br />with the requirements of this section shall not be reduced in <br />area or changed to any other use unless the permitted use <br />which it serves is discontinued or modified, except where <br />equivalent parking or loading space is provided. <br />Section 25. GENERAL PROVISIONS: <br />(A) HEIGHT EXCEPTIONS. <br />The usual chimneys, towers, steeples, monument spires, silos, <br />windmills, radio and television antennas, elevator towers, air <br />conditioning and condensing units and similar structures may <br />be erected above the height limits herein established. Private <br />radio and television antennas and water tanks in residential <br />districts may be permitted to exceed height limitations upon <br />approval of the Zoning Commission. Radio and television an- <br />tennas exceeding one hundred and forty (140) feet in anv dis- <br />trict, may be permitted unon approval of the 'Zoning Commiss- <br />ion. in no case shall any permitted heights be in conflict <br />with the height regulations established by flight angles of <br />the State approved airnorts and airstrips in the County. <br />